"You just scaled this up about five times." Petra said, rolling her eyes. She tossed Jesse's pen back onto her paper, the tip leaving an ink dot in the middle of the letter. "Once, that's all I'm saying. And you'll understand everything."

Not giving Jesse another chance to argue back, Petra shot out of the room like a bullet. Jesse groaned, pulling her fingers through her disheveled chestnut hair. Sometimes she questioned how Petra haven't gotten her to go grey yet.

Jesse had barely finished her paragraph when the familiar sweet aroma of coffee entered the room. She had to admit, the smell was rather nice.

"You're not going to take no for an answer, are you?" Jesse asked as Petra promptly pushed away her glass of juice and put down the coffee mug in it's place.

"How long have you known me?" Petra pointed out, sitting down in her chair with her own mug of coffee. She expectantly watched as Jesse continued writing. "Jesse, if you're not going to drink that, I will."

"Be my guest." Jesse said matter-of-factly, earning a long, dragged out groan from Petra.

Sighing, she gave into the redhead's wishes and reached over for the mug, carefully picking it up and bringing her to her lips. The coffee looked and smelled a lot better than it actually tasted, and Jesse had to hold back from shuddering at the bitter taste.

"And?" Petra asked expectently.

"It goes on the list of one of the weirdest things I have ever tasted." Jesse replied, looking over at Petra with an unamused expression.

"I knew you'd like it!" Petra replied, grinning broadly.

Jesse rolled her eyes, putting down the mug and continuing to write. As much as she didn't like the taste at first, a part of her wanted to take another sip of it.

"I'm really not into watching you write this." Petra replied, getting up and tipping the entire mug of liquid into her mouth. "I'm going to take a shower, hopefully when I get back the caffeine starts kicking in and you can get a little more alive."

With those words she just slammed her empty mug back on the table, practically jogging out of the room with a bout of energy. Jesse just rolled her eyes at Petra, before reaching over for her own mug again.

She found herself now actually liking the taste of the coffee. The bitterness had put her off at first, but now she barely tasted it. Why didn't she like this flavour?

After Jesse had finished the entire mug, she went back to scribbling her letter. She was starting to tap her foot to the ground repeatedly as she worked. Some beat of music would've been nice.

Jesse pushed the finished paper to the side, pulling out the next one. She was feeling really good, refreshed and excited. She wanted to get the job over with.

Jesse's eyes landed on the mug, a grin playing on her lips. She wondered if Petra would mind her having another cup? If one gave her this much energy, how good would two work?

Jesse pushed her chair back, getting up and grabbing the mug. She energetically walked to the kitchen, straight up to Petra's coffee machine. The redhead had stuck a sticky note to the side it ages ago, that read: "Petra's. Don't Touch."

Jesse ignored the note, it was Petra's idea after all. She put her mug beneath it, looking at all the buttons. She's never operated a coffee machine before and wasn't exactly sure what to be pressing.

Shrugging, Jesse pressed a few buttons that looked like they could be the right things, grinning broadly as a thin trickle of brown liquid started filling up her mug. While it filled up, she walked to the fridge to get out the milk.

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