🥀Don't push your luck🥀

Start from the beginning

"I'm so so so sorry Tony I didn't want to be a burden or a bother so I didn't say anything. I just really hate when I make people worry about me or when they pity me I just feel so weak when they do." Peter said wiping the few tears left in his eyes out and just kept looking down. Tony lifted Peter's face up and smiled at him.

"Don't ever thing you're a bother or a burden ok. I honestly don't think you're a bother or burden so don't ever say that again ok. I expect you to move in by the end of the month ok while I get legal guardian ship over you ok. And just so you know kid you are always welcomed here. After I found out Pepper was cheating on me and I fired her and got someone new as the CEO it's been really lonely up here with no one ok. And Peter I worry about you cause I care about you ok" Tony said with a small smile.

Peter smiled brightly as he hugged Tony, Tony hugging him back.

"Thank you so much Tony and I'm really sorry about Pepper she was a good person but I guess not good enough for the Tony Stark." Peter said chuckling a bit. Tony just laughed at the kid. He would never admit it but he saw him as a son.

Present Tiiiiiiiime. That was a long ass flash back. Brought to you by Tom Holland

After Tony had gotten legal Guardian ship over Peter he actually adopted him a month later. Ever since Peter and Tony had gotten really close. Rhodes had met Peter and he instantly liked the kid once he saw how happy and calm Tony was with the kid.
Peter had long since moved in with Tony. After Tony had shown him his car Tony was impressed

"Where did you get this baby?" Tony said looking at the car impressed with the kids first ever car.

"Do you know the show supernatural, well they were giving the car to a lucky fan and I just so happened to have been that lucky fan. They even gave me the license plate signed by the whole cast. Of course they got a new car because like that TV show is never going to die out but seriously. I have never looked at something more beautiful." Peter said as he looked at the car with a smile remembering how excited he was when he won the car.

Few Days Later

Tony was nervous and really anxious. And Peter he had no clue why. Tony even had an anxiety attack that Peter had to help him out of. Peter and Tony told each other everything Tony from Afghanistan and Peter from the Vulture. Expect they had both kept 1 thing from each other Peter with how the Vulture dropped a building on him and Tony with what happened in Siberia when Steve had thrust the Captain America shield into the arc reacted and left Tony there alone and to die.

It wasn't until a few hours later when Tony had another panic attack telling Peter what was going to happen.

"The X-Avengers are coming tomorrow and Bucky is going to be with them. Bucky killed my mom and Howard while under hydra's control and I forgave him for it since he was forced to and didn't have any memories about it but I can't help but feel angry. And I may or may not have told you something that had happened in Siberia (This is where it was Tony vs Cap vs Bucky) " Tony said sadly. Peter just helped him to his feet and sat him in the living room.

"Tell me what happened ok. I won't be mad just tell me everything." Peter said with a comforting smile.

And Tony did. He told Peter about the video that was shown to them to Tony attacking Bucky out of anger and rage and to how Steve had plunged the shield in him and just and walked away with Bucky leaving him there bleeding on the floor. Peter just nodded and whenever Tony needed to stop for a moment Peter would wait. After Tony was done Peter got FRIDAY to call Rhodes and tell him to come have dinner and spend the night and to order pizza. Peter also left Tony in the living room got a load of blankets and pillows and made a fort on the floor Tony confused and only looking at Peter.

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