Chapter 8

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Upon exiting Blue, Lance was greeted with a angry Keith. Amor was coming out behind him, Alishka following closely behind. Not only was Keith pissed, Allura had her arms crossed and a disappointed look on her face while Shiro seemed calm about the situation. Lance had no doubt that Shiro was beyond mad as well.

As soon as Amor and Alishka touched the castles floors, their respected parents went over to the two and were quick to separate them. Lance stood off to the side with his arms crossed. He watched Keith and Amor for a moment, half-listening to them argue with each other.

"— you guys were able to go, why can't I?" Amor was questioning.

"We has no choice! You did! You put not only your life, but Alishka's life in danger! Hell, scaring Lance like that could've caused major damage to Blue and your guys!"

Lance decided not to get involved. Besides it was Keith's turn to try and put some sense into the teen. Amor was a relatively good child, but this crossed the line with all of his other shenanigans he pulled.

"Do you ever think about anyone besides yourself?" Keith questioned firmly, although gently.

Amor was looking at the ground now, his first clenched as he always hated to be looked down on. Lance wondered what was really going on in the kids mind.

"I do-! I just didn't..."

"Didn't what?" Keith pressed.

"I didn't want to be left alone."

Finally Lance came over. "You would've had Alishka. Didn't you say you wanted more time with her?"

Amor looked at Lance, nodding.

"War can bring friendships to an end or bring them closer," Lance told him. "By putting Alishka's life in danger, you may have just destroyed your friendship."

"She's not-"

"You should've stayed," Keith cut in. "You could've potentially kept you friendship safe back home not here were war is waged."

Lance watched as the realization settled in and made Amor groan. He was still very much pissed at his parents, but Lance was at least happy that Amor was aware of his actions. Amor muttered a quick apology before he turned went after Alishka.


Once everyone had settled down and friendships were restored, the Paladins were quick to meet in the control room to debrief. Lance didn't remember much as everything was a blur to him, but when he looked at Keith, he could see that the other man was facing the memories of their previous war.

"— those ships were like no other," Pidge has began speaking, the hologram of one of the ships.

The ship shown in the hologram was a sleek version of one of Galran fighter ships. Nice sharp edges, a glossy look, almost like a new car.

"They've grown in their technology," Hunk mused as he looked at Pidge.

"They've grown too much," Allura agreed, as she looked closer. "Though this design seems odd. Since when did the Galra have brands?"

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