Chapter 6

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It has been years since the lions had contacted us. Keith's heart was racing at the thought. He didn't understand what was going on, or why they were suddenly being called back to the Garrison. Let alone, their family being called in.

Amor was sitting in the back of the car, still half-asleep. The Galra had asked his parents why they were taking a road trip in the middle of the night and got no answer. Keith had only looked to Lance for answers, but his husband was a mess at trying to pack for the three of them.

Keith glanced at the brunette that was driving. Lance had a strange look on his face and it wasn't the thinking kind either. Keith knew something had been bothering the other since the day Lance began taking his medicine. But, currently, that situation wasn't the thing he was focused on.

The closer they got to the Garrison, the more Keith could hear Red calling for him. Lance was squirming in his seat, clearly experiencing the same thing. Keith would look back at Amor, finding that the teen has passed out.

"How much longer?" Keith questioned quietly as he watched the desert hills roll past.

Lance glanced over at him before he looked at the time on the dashboard.

"15 minutes," Lance told him.

"Dammit," Keith cursed as he folded his arms across his chest.

"Language," Lance warned, his brow rising in a way that implied he was annoyed.

Keith didn't blame his husband being annoyed. Being woken up in the middle of the night to be called in for a mission that they had no information about was quite bothersome. The two sat in silence, waiting to see the familiar building of Garrison.

By the time they arrived at the fort, Amor had finally woken up. Their son's eyes lit up when their car made their way into to the actual building. Keith wasn't impressed with the place, though as the car came to a stop, he could see the other paladins turning their heads and coming towards them.

The family soon climbed out of the car and exchanged quick greetings as the air around them was tense. Allura was the first gesture to them that they needed to go and without questioning, everyone hurried after her.

Keith was worried about Amor. The people in the facility weren't the friendliest people, so Keith managed to keep Amor in his sights, at least until they were able to separate.

The group of people was soon rounded up into the main office. Allura and Pidge took their places in front of the wall.

"I'm sure you all have gotten the text," Pidge spoke first as she looked around the room and then to Allura. "The Lions have spoken to Allura, warning her of a danger out in the universe once again."

Lance and Keith exchanged looks while turning their attention to Amor for a moment. The young Galra didn't seem fazed by the news. Beside them, Hunk took a step forward.

"Pardon me, but, what kind of danger?"

He didn't change a bit. Keith realized as he watched the other paladin nervously fiddle with his fingers.

"We are unsure at the time," Allura spoke softly, "However, all we know if that no every Galra has been vanquished. They must be stirring up trouble."

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