Chapter 5

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Over the next few weeks, Lance came to find out that his terrors were worsening. The medicine wasn't working and Lance didn't want to tell Keith. It would only mean dealing with the stress of the hospital, the cost of the visit and much more.

Lance would fake his feelings. To love his husband and his son, just not in the way he wanted. He even took these confessions to Shiro, who wholeheartedly accepted and helped way more than the pills.

Lance also had this constant buzzing in his ears. He heard all the time and just didn't know how to make it stop. It was odd listening to the strange noise. It almost reminded him of Red and Blue and the feeling he got was odd as well. It was comforting at times, violent the next. He didn't know what he was going to get.

In the few weeks of putting up with his facade, Lance was surprised when he would come home to find Amor and Alishka sitting in the living room talking or he would be surprised to come home to a patient, waiting husband. Both were great, especially when Lance would get what he wanted with Keith.

As much as Lance wanted to believe he was getting better, despite the nightmares of the past, he felt like Keith was drifting away as well. Yes, Keith was a loving husband who never broke a promise, but, Lance could see he was off. Something was bothering him, just like Lance. It bothered him so much so, he took his fears to Shiro.

"Ask him how his day went."

"Show him that you love him."

Shiro was a life-saver and never failed to lead Lance on the right path, even if what he suggests turn into arguments.

Lance could only smile as he was thinking back, although he heart was breaking his feelings of uncertainty with Keith. But as he turned to Keith, who was snuggling with a blanket and leaning against him, Lance couldn't help but rethink his thoughts. Maybe he was wrong.

It wouldn't be the first time. He thought as he smiled when he saw the Keith was drifting between sleep and reality. Lance nuzzled the top of Keith's head, letting his arm that was slung behind Keith, hug him.

"Hon, want to head to bed?" He questioned softly.

Keith's eyes flickered a little before he nodded. Lance took the answer and turned off the tv before he carefully lifted Keith in his arms and relocated him in the bedroom. Keith was out the moment Lance had wrapped him in the covers, and Lance watched him for a long moment, smiling. Though his thoughts came back to mess with his mind.

Was he going to wake up and tear the house apart? What will he freak out about now? Lance pondered his thoughts bitterly as he sat the edge of the bed. Eventually, he would give up and crawl in bed with his husband, curl up beside him and drift off the sleep. That's what would've happened if the ringing in Lance's ear stayed normal. The ringing grew violent, becoming louder and louder until Lance saw Keith shift a bit in his spot.

What is with this ringing tonight? He questioned himself, his brow furrowed in both thought and anger. He did his best to listen to another noise, the breathing of Keith before Lancex was finally able to close his eyes and let himself drift to sleep.

It felt like seconds had gone by when Lance heard his phone buzz. In a daze, Lance reached blindly over at the side of the bed to grab his phone. He cringed when he looked at the light as it was too bright. Though, he looked at the text that appeared on the screen. It was from Allura, which was rare. He hardly got texts from her. Though as he read the text, his heart raced and a panic flooded through him. He immediately shook Keith awake.

Groggy, Keith turned to Lance, "What-?"

Lance was already up, bayard in hand. Keith sat up, his eyes wide in confusion.

"We need to go," Lance turned to Keith before he began to head to Amor's room.

Keith watched him go before he looked down at Lance's phone. He saw the screen light up again and took the phone to take a look. He then understood Lance's haste. Keith too began to panic and he dropped the phone, going after to Lance.

A single text from both Allura and Pidge reading: The Lions are waiting. Gather your things, we have our next mission.


So, I have this thing I want to do. And it has something to do with teasing chapters...

Anyway, I hope you guys like this chapter!



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