Chapter 2

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Lance gave a small sigh as he watched one of his patients leave the room. He let his head rest in his hands as his memories were sent back to when he was the pilot of Blue. The memories of being in space, fighting that war were never easy and his night terrors only prove it.

How can I help my patients, but I can't help myself. His gaze stared at the tiled flooring before he let out a groan while leaning back into the chair, hand over his eyes. Though he took a moment to stare at the ceiling, his thoughts racing back to his previous activities that morning. He could only smile like an idiot remembering all the lewd faces Keith had made.

He's so sexy. Lance thought as he finally stood and made his way out of the room. Once in the lobby, Lance was quick to notice a familiar face. Though he took him some time to actually remember who he was.

"Shiro?" Lance questioned, the large man turning to look at him.

"Lance?" Shiro questioned, his eyes wide in surprise.

The large man had a wide smile and he was quick to come over and greet Lance. Though as much as Lance wanted to talk and catch up with the older man, he could clearly see that Shiro was busy. Though a small girl standing at Shiro's side caught him off guard.

She was extremely pretty, long curly hair, almost a bright white. She was wearing a cute white dress with a blue pattern of flowers. Lance stood straight as she was staring at him with an uncomfortable set of gray eyes.

"Hello," Lance greeted her, "who may you be?"

She looked at Shiro, her arms crossing in such a way, it made Lance step back.

"Lance, you remember Alishka," Shiro spoke up, a clear hint of annoyance in his voice.

Lance blinked at the name and he looked back at Alishka. At that moment, he was quick to see how much she looked like Allura.

"Alishka," Lance nodded, "I remember now. Look who much you've grown! Such a beautiful girl as well!"

Lance took notice in her red face and gave her a smile.

"Alishka, where is your brother?"

Lance blinked at the statement. Alishka shrugged as her gaze moved through the lobby.

"Morgan is over there," she pointed at the window.

Lance looked over to see a little black haired boy petting a service dog. Lance heard Shiro sigh and walk over to the boy, leaving Alishka and Lance alone.

"Where is Amor?" Alishka asked.

"Amor? He's at school," Lance told her, "aren't you supposed to be at school too?"

She shook her head, "Mom and Dad just moved here. We are getting settled."

Lance opened his mouth in an O form as he understood.

"Perhaps you could come over and hang out with him?" Lance asked giving her a small smile.

Her eyes seemed to brighten at the though and gave a nod.

"I've missed him," she told Lance, a bluch spreading to her cheeks again. "I've been wanting to see him since we found each other over Facebook..."

Lance rose a brow but gave a small snicker at her. "I will definitely tell him that I've seen you and have you guys get together again."

Alishka smiled at him before she turned her head towards Shiro returning with Morgan in his arms.

"I'm sorry Lance, we have to leave," Shiro spoke a hint of regret in his voice.

"Nah, that's fine, we'll catch up soon, yeah?" Lance smiled at him.

Shiro gave a brisk nod and then started to gently lead Alishka towards the door. Alishka made a sign towards Lance as she left, a silent message telling him that she would call him. Lance waved at her and watched as the family left the building. Though he smile fall just as quick as they left, his dark thoughts returning back to his work.

Great. He thought as he turned to go back to the room. This will be a long day.

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