035, the sun also shines

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Season 2 ep 21; The Sun Also Shines


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Veronica and Tyler were growling at the blondes. Matt standing there helpless holding a rifle while Caroline was holding back the gate to keep the werewolves from exiting or worse biting her.

"Caroline let me help!" He useless human begged. "I got it!" The Vampire snapped.

"Caroline, the door's not gonna hold." Caroline continued to strain until none other than Matt Donovan decided 'hey I don't want to be useless and I wanna do something that nobody wanted in the first place just to cause more chaos.' So he shot them. Not one. Both of the werewolves.

"Matt! No, Hey, no! It's Ronnie!" Caroline screamed.

"It's trying to kill us!" Matt defended.

"Wait! She's wounded. They both are." Caroline opened the gate gently. "Caroline, stay back."

"We can go around them."

"Are you nuts?"

"Your not gonna shoot them again, okay? Okay. Matt take my hand."

"I got it." He said still holding the gun intact ready to take another shot if necessary.

"Matt, take my hand." He soon gave in and took her hand to which they used Caroline's vampire speed and sped away.



Caroline and Matt had been hidden in the room for quite awhile waiting for Veronica and Tyler to show up. They had been waiting so long Matt even thought they were dead.

Up until they heard a knock by the door. Caroline opened it to face her best friend and her brother. "Matt give me your jacket." She looked around and spotted a black hoodie. "And Ronnie's hoodie. Now!"

She placed Ronnie's jacket over her naked body and the same with Matt's over Tyler's. The siblings soon went to bed later on.


Veronica woke up maybe an hour later and took a shower. She walked into her room with her semi-dried hair that she previously towel dried.

She walked downstairs to look for Tyler and to see if Caroline was still here. She peaked into her late father's office to see Caroline and Tyler cuddling. Veronica smiled ever so slightly before walking away. But before she could head outside the doorbell rang.

Veronica walked up to the door seeing the last person she'd expect. Scott. "Hi."


"I'm sorry that I ditched you at the dance." Scott apologised.

"It's okay." She said softly.

"No, it's not. I screwed up. I like you a lot and I was wondering if I could have a second chance?" He asked hopefully.

She nodded reluctantly.

She thought for a moment. "Am I gonna regret this?"

"Probably." He decided causing them to chuckle.



The funeral was incredibly sad, as John and Jenna were already buried, but they wanted to say goodbye in a little memorial.

Veronica, Elena, Jeremy, Alaric, Stefan, Damon, Caroline and Bonnie were all there. Either to say goodbye or to be there for their friends.

Jeremy couldn't bear to put roses on their graves, so Elena had not only two, but four roses in her hands. Two of them were out on Jenna and John's graves. She was teary eyed as she walked over to another grave, a grave that belonged to her parents. She put the last two roses there, and now she couldn't hold the tears back and she openly cried about her losses, about her heartbreak, about her family.

A/N season 2 is officially over and please, please, please watch the gifs on the next page carefully their are some manips I worked really hard on and I'd love for you guys to see them.

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