027, by the light of the moon

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Veronica had been freaking out all night. She couldn't even manage 2 minutes of sleep. She had left multiple messages to Mason, who had yet to respond. Tyler even left a message on his house phone. They had everything they needed backed up in a duffle bag each. The last thing on their list to tick off was wolfsbane and a blond vampire for some reason Tyler insisted he need her. Personally Ronnie thought he was getting a thing for her best friend.

"Heading out?" Carol asked her children as she approached her children in the entry hall.

"Yeah. We've got lunch at the grill together. And then I've got practice. Then we'll probably go out after. I'll be late." Tyler said. "Yeah and when there's a game there's cheer. So it's the same for practises. I've got to go Care's gonna kill me if I'm late."

He began to walk to the door Ronnie hot on his trail until the doorbell rang. The three of them approached the door to face a blonde girl. "Hi."

"Hey." The raven haired werewolf who's stressed and scared about her first transition and every single one after that greeted calmly. 

"Sorry, rude. You have no idea who I am. I'm Jules, a friend of Mason's from Florida. You must be the twins. Tyler and Veronica." The blonde girl said.

"Yeah." Tyler said as he extended his hand for her to shake. Ronnie behind him waited for her turn. "It's nice to meet you."

"So I know it's weird of me to stop by, but I'm trying to track down Mason." Jules said.

"Mason's back in Florida. He has been for a while now." Carol interrupted.

"See, uh, that's the thing. He's not." This statement caused multiple questions to stir in her mind about his safety. And if she wasn't worried enough.

▹ ▹ ▹


Tyler insisted that he was the one to meet Caroline at the grill. He said that she should go on ahead and they'll meet her at the cellar.

She began to set up for the full moon. Placing the chains in their place and everything like that. Caroline decided to help Tyler before she went on to her best friend. "I've got wolfsbane. Tyler said to put it in the water?" She kind of asked so Ronnie who was now trapped by chains nodded.

"How you holding up?" Caroline asked. "I'm not a wolf yet so I'm okay." Caroline nodded and offered her friend a smile. After everything she still managed to be positive. She loved that about her. And maybe one day someone will too.

▹ ▹ ▹

Caroline sat in between of the two different cellar rooms. Waiting for something. Anything. Veronica began to groan causing Caroline to run to her. "You okay?"

"Yeah. I'll be fine. Can you pass me the bottle please?"

"Are you sure about this?" The Vampire barbie asked. "Yeah. It'll weaken me right? So I can't get out and hurt anyone."

Caroline reluctantly handed her the bottle. Veronica herself hesitated to drink it. But Caroline with refused to leave them alone she had to. The bite of a werewolf kills a vampire. It hadn't been confirmed but it was better to be safe that sorry. So Veronica began to chug the water contaminated with wolfsbane.

This caused her to gag as she forced herself to drink t. She began to choke violently on the poison. Caroline who had seen Tyler do the same began to comfort her best friend by hugging her. Veronica hugged back as Caroline soothed her.

▹ ▹ ▹

Veronica began to scream and whimper as she began her first transformation. Caroline rushed into the room to be by her best friends side. "I'm okay. I just feel like my skins burning up. I'm okay. Go to Tyler. I'll be fine. Just go. Please. Help him." Caroline reluctantly nodded and left Veronica alone.

She felt her first bone in her leg snap causing her to scream. She fell but pulled her self up to hop. Then her other leg went causing to release her another scream. She fell once more but this time she was unable to get back up.

Her spine broke next, making her eyes glow gold. She whimpered as her fangs began to plunge through her gums. Her arms broke next causing to growl instead of scream as she became closer to finishing her transformation.

Oddly enough, even though she was held back by chains she felt kinda free. Mostly she felt pain but a little free. Breaking all 206 bones in your body sucks. It was something  she would never forget.

Once her body went back to normal she couldn't move. She didn't want to. She was still in so much pain. It was obviously traumatising for the 17 year old girl. The only movement she made was to trap her oversized hoodie from her bag and placed it on.

She wrapped herself in a ball as she began to sob. How was she supposed to do this for the rest of her life? The only thing that would get her through this was her mom. She would do this for her mom. She had to. With her father and uncle gone she had to be their for her and Tyler.

The episode I began to ship forwood. Hope you enjoyed Ronnie's first transformation. She didn't. At all.

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