014, under control

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Under Control]

                    [Strangers:                                       Under Control]

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Founders Hall

A lot has happened since that night Ronnie and Caroline found Vicki's body. Vicki's funeral/memorial for starters. Her parents went back to acting shady and her brother barely spoke to her. Bonnie still wasn't in contact with any of them. Ronnie doubted she even knew about it all. And she most definitely wasn't going to be the one to tell her. Her dad has been very distant. Not that he was very involved with her in general, but he was even more distant.

But today she had to put all her troubles aside and be a Lockwood for a day. It was the founders day 150th anniversary kick off party. parties were one of the few good things that came with that name. So she obviously enjoyed them. Especially because her friends were there too. But Caroline wasn't. She was visiting her dad.

"I'm so glad you could join us tonight." Mayor Lockwood greeted the 2 Donovan's with his children by his side.

"It was nice of you to reach out to us" Kelly thanked. "This town is one big family, and when we lose a member, we all have to come together."

"Matt. Kel." He shook Matts hand and gave Kelly's a squeeze. Veronica and Tyler quickly grabbed a bottle of their father's best alcohol and rushed back to Matt.

"Hey, check it out." Tyler said with a cheeky grin as he pointed towards the bottle. "Dude, your dad's gonna beat you down if he catches you." Matt warned as they all walked towards the back of the room.

"Yeah, let him try." Tyler huffed as he opened up the bottle. "All right screw it." Matt gave in a gulped a mouthful down.


Founders Hall

Veronica was in the middle of an awkward conversation with John Gilbert. A forced laugh escaped her lips as she played with the glass in her hand that she secretly spiked. Stefan sensing the awkward tension made his way over.  He placed his glass on the table she was leaning against, gaining her attention. He held out his hand for her to take. "Ms Lockwood, would you like to dance?" She delicately places her hand in his. "I would be honoured to,
Mr Salvatore." She placed the glass down onto the table with her opposite hand before they made their way onto the dance floor.

Veronica's hand was on his shoulder, his rested on her waist. Her fingers laced through his as they swayed to the music. "Why are we dancing?"

"Because you accepted my offer." He said in a 'duh' tone before spinning her under his arm. "Ha. You're drunk." "You know me so well."

"Why dance with me anyway? Why not Elena?" She asked curiously still swaying in perfect sync with Stefan. "Because your a better dance." She laughed a toothy grin plastered both their faces. And I saw how uncomfortable you were talking to John. So I though I'd help to you out." He dipped her earning a giggle. "Thank you." She smiled. "You're welcome."

They broke apart due to Elena's voice shouting 'Tyler'. "Stay here please." She begged receiving a nod. She ran towards the commotion with about a dozen other people.

She rushed out to see Tyler punching Matt over and over in the face. "Ty!" She screamed as Alaric ran over and pulled Tyler off him and pinned him up against the wall to stop him.

Mayor Lockwood rushed to the scene. "I'll take it from here." He moved to where Alaric still had Tyler held against the wall. "I'll take it from here." He repeated, causing the history teacher to slowly release his hold on the teenage boy. "Are you hurt? Get cleaned up." He questioned his son. Tyler hesitate, staring at his father. "It's okay. Go get cleaned up." He signalled for Ronnie to help him, she nodded hesitantly and headed in after him.


Veronica's Bedroom

Veronica walked into her room and placed her bag near her door. She made her way over to her dresser, looked into the mirror and took her necklace off. As she begun to take off her right earring her door opened revealing her brother. "Hi."

"Hey, Ty." She placed her earring on the dresser and began to take off the other. "What happened between you and Matt anyway?"

"I, um, made out with his mom." Veronica's jaw dropped as she placed the last earring on the table and turned to face him. "What?"

"Yeah." He scratched the back of his head anxiously. "I was wondering if you could help."

"What can I do?"

"You could make those cookies again?"

She sighed. "I don't think my 'I messed up' cookies are gonna help." She made air quotes with her fingers then placing them on her waist. He looked at her with a cheeky grin. "How about your 'Caroline' cupcakes, or your get well soon brownies, or your my condolences pie, or your -"

She threw her heel at him but missed. "I get it! I bake a lot!" They burst out laughing. "Now get out you goblin." She chuckled as he left.

Ronnie and Ty are sibling goals tbh.

I'll be posting the rest of season 1 and the start of season 2 up to Sunday.

My school starts back next week so I won't be as active but I will create a schedule and post like twice a week. Once I have the schedule planned I'll
let you know!

Don't forget to like and comment.


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