029, daddy issues

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Veronica caught herself staying up all night thinking about Caroline and her betrayal. She didn't know who she was more mad at. Caroline for lying to her, Jules for telling her  or herself. She should have known a werewolf and a vampire wouldn't stay friends forever. And that sucked.

It's hard to give your trust to someone. And it's even harder to realise that not just 1 but 3 of the closest people did so.




Veronica sat around her vanity brushing the last portion of her hair before playing with the locket Caroline had given her staring into her tear stained cheeks throw the mirror.

Tyler had gone to talk to Caroline. Veronica couldn't face her it was too hard.

Tyler soon came knocking on her door to tell her everything. He told her about how she didn't try to deny anything. Which just made her angrier.

The doorbell rang. Tyler went downstairs to answer it. A few moments later he shouted. "Ronnie you might wanna come down!"

▹ ▹ ▹

It was Jules. The person who knocked on the door was Jules. Jules of all people in the world.

"I was right, wasn't I?" Jules, the bitch whose voice Ronnie's grown to hate even more said. "Your little vampire friend, she was lying."

"What do you want?" Ronnie snapped.

"I want you and your brother to understand that a vampire will never be your friend. It's our nature to be enemies." Jules stated.

"Do you know how stupid you actually sound right now?" Veronica said.

"You need to leave here. It's not safe." Jules ignored Ronnie's comment.

"So are you if you don't stop." Ronnie mumbled, her eyes slowing turning gold.

"I can't just run away with you. I don't even know you. My mom would freak. My life is here." Tyler said they both ignored the girls comment.

"Your old life. Your new life is just beginning. You have so much to learn." Jules said enthusiastically.

"Like what?" Veronica asked.

"How to survive. You've both triggered the curse. It's important you learn what it means to be a lycanthrope. We live by a code of loyalty, we take care of each other. It's my duty and honour to help you. Please let me."

▹ ▹ ▹


"What's wrong?" Stefan asked.

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