026, the sacrifice

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At lunch, Veronica and Tyler decided it they should play basketball. Well, Ronnie did. She had weeks to wrap her head around the supernatural but Tyler was still freaked about the vampires and triggering the whole curse thing she thought it was best to do something to get his mind off it.

She passed the ball to Tyler so he could shoot. He muttered something under his breath. He aimed but missed. Matt caught the ball as he approached them. "Hey, man. How you doing?"

"Good, you?" Tyler answered and asked.

This caused Matt's emotions to come flooding out. "I'm pissed at myself for picking a fight with you. And feeling guilty for what happened to Sarah and Kevin. I've been dodging you for days 'cause I don't know what to say to you."

"Hey, don't worry about it, man." Tyler soothed emotionless.

"I'm really sorry." Matt pressed apologetically. "Please know that." Tyler nodded as Matt handed him back the ball before he began to walk away.

"Matt." Caroline called softly.

"Hey." He greeted the blonde vampire.

"How are you?" She asked.

"I- I've been better." He answered. "I gotta- I gotta get to class."


Caroline approached the Lockwood siblings with a smile. "You two still not together?" Ronnie asked her best friend.

"Looks like it." Caroline answered. "You realise there's almost a full moon?"

"Vampires don't have enough problems, you want to take on mine?" Tyler retorted.

"Have you even thought about it? The whole... wolf thing?" Caroline asked quietly. 

"Do you know what your'e gonna do?" Caroline asked yet again another question.

"I have a plan for us." Tyler answered simply glancing towards his sister.


"It's kind of private."

Veronica crossed her arms over her chest scoffing. "She's student council Vice President, head of the prom committee and she single-handedly organised this town's clean up campaign. You're really gonna turn down her help?"

▹ ▹ ▹


"Matt's bumming pretty hard." Tyler told the blonde as the trio made their way through the woods. "I know. It's better this way."

"I understand." Ronnie told the barbie vamp.

"You do?" Caroline asked. "You obviously can't tell him the truth. It's not exactly fair to date someone and not let them know who you really are."

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