019, brave new world

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Disclaimer: Please read the bottom of the chapter I have some questions xoxo

Disclaimer: Please read the bottom of the chapter I have some questions xoxo

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


The Lockwood Mansion

Ever since Veronica's outburst she had been distant from Everyone. Even Caroline,Bonnie and Elena.

Today was the day of the Carnival her and Caroline planned. And due to that she had to make an appearance. Caroline was the exception because of her being in the hospital and all.

Uncle Mason dragged Veronica and Tyler out of bed to go for 'a morning jog.' He called it.

She ran into her home. Her hair in a ponytail, her black sports bra, black leggings and black and white sneakers. She was breathing heavily as she placed the palm of her hands on her knees. Her brother and uncle already in the house.

"I'm dying." She panted. Tyler laughed as uncle Mason gave her a water bottle which she drained dry after taking her shoes off. "Whew. What was that, like 7?"

"6. I don't count the last one. You crawled it." He accuses pointing at Tyler. "What?" He denied. He turned to Veronica. "I think grandma Lockwood actually passed you in her walker." He laughed. Veronica sat on the floor Indian style. The empty water bottle in her hands. "Okay, rude."

"Shoes off." Tyler stopped before his sister could have a debate. "Mud, my mom."

"Cool. Yeah, yeah."

"So all his anger and aggression you're talking about, do you notice a difference when you exercise?" Mason asked as he untied his shoe laces. Tyler scoffed. "Dude, I play 3 varsity sports. I work out 4 times a week and run 3. I'm gonna say no."

"Do you have episodes?" Mason asked ignoring his nieces comment. "I mean, what happens l, exactly?"

"Starts out normal. You get angry, typically over nothing. I'm an angry guy. You know, it just amplifies, and then I go off." Tyler says patting his chest with a towel. "You black out?"

"Yeah." The twins exclaimed at the same time. "Yes!" He turned to his niece while she did the splits to help stretch her arms out to her legs. "It's like he goes blind with rage. And I-" she thought while she continued stretching her legs. "I don't even know what I do."

"Is there a pattern?" He asked them as they both approached the stairs. "Like once a month? Only at night."

"All I care about is the fact that I lose myself." She sighed as Tyler answered next. "All I know is for that time I become something else. And I hate it."


Mystic Falls High School

She drove down to the school a couple hours later. Ronnie's been there ever since. Tyler had told Veronica about his weird encounter with Uncle Mason. She shook it off as just him being weird. But what she couldn't shake off was that Stefan, a vampire, let her human uncle beat him. She also heard about the fight and his yellow glowing eyes. Veronica said the same thing happened to her; the eyes on the night of the accident.

teen idle; tvdTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang