[19] Celebrating

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Your POV:

We were on the private jet back to Detroit.

"You my friend were super ballsy in there. You had real guts to tell them they fucked up." Rafael said.

"Well somebody had to tell them." I shrugged.

"But most people would have been kissing ass you just straight up went in their and grabbed them by the balls!" Rafael said smiling.

I giggled before looking over to Markus to see his response.
Markus gave a small smile before shaking his head in shame.

"But this isn't just a me victory you all helped." I say smiling.

"Stop being so damn modest and accept the fact that you won that for the team!" Rafael said.

"I agree with him on that. You did in fact kick ass." Connor said.

"Thanks guys," I say smiling.
Soon we arrive on Detroit and not too long after that Kamski's house.

Once Kamski opened the door I seen him give me the biggest smile I haven't seen since I told him I was getting into Yale. That was years ago.

"There goes the lady of the hour!" He exclaims with a drink in his hand already.

I smile and roll my eyes. "How much did you drink?"

"Not enough yet but tonight we are gonna drink and chill something you have never done."

"And you have!?" I questioned.

"..oops...I guess Vee was right...I'm a light weight."

"Elijah you told me that you had never gone to a party because you thought they were stupid." I sat as we walk in.

"It's not like a big deal I went to like...3 parties during high school."

"And I went to none because of you! You told me going to a party was a waste of time than why you'd never go to one!"

"Shhh don't yell just drink." Elijah said giving me drinking glass.

I seen hank sitting on the couch. "He's not a big drinker is he?" Hank questioned.

"Nope." I say.

"I figured but besides that I would like to congratulate you on your big win! Thanks to you Connor will be able to get his own damn place." Hank says.

I chuckle. "Thanks and you're welcome I guess."

Vee ran towards me and nearly tackled me to the floor with a hug. "Jesus Vee!" I say

"Mom you're a fucking legend now!" She exclaimed.

"Really now?" I chuckle.

"Um yea! You're trending topic on every social media! Everybody is talking about You and Markus! You shook the world!!" She shrieked.

"That's what I aimed for."

"Vee? My god look at you baby girl you are looking se-" Rafael started before I cleared my throat.

"What was that?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"You are looking so very beautiful." He nervously finished.

"You do anything to my daughter...I will rearrange all of your biocomponents onto a street light like Christmas lights the only think that'll be keeping you alive is your thirium pump and all the 'veins' connected to it.Understood." I say darkly.
Rafael backed up and widened his eyes before nodding quickly.

I smile innocently. "Good."

The small gathering we call a party was underway. 

We were all talking and having a good time.  I stayed away from the alcohol much preferring wine over anything.

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