[3] Grief

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Your POV:
I slowly opened my eyes and took in my surroundings to realize I was in the hospital.
"Markus!" I yell but only a nurse came in.

"You're finally up! How are you feeling miss?" She asked.

"Where's...Carl Manfred?! Where's his Android!?" I asked with my voice cracking.

"Carl Manfred is in the next hospital room. As for his android..it was decomssioned." She said. "Do you have anyone to help you get home?" She asked.

I let the fact that Markus had been decomissioned swarm my head. I had foolishly fell for the Android and now he was gone. Now I felt my heart tear in two.

"Why does this always happen to me?" I asked myself quietly.

"Ma'am?" The nurse said.

I ignored her and went next door to Carl's room. She chased me inside.

"He's on life support...the only things keeping him alive sight now is those machines." She said honestly.

"What is my condition?" I asked.

"You had a very bad concussion but you're stable enough to go home for as long as you do light activity. Very light activity."

"I'm staying here until he wakes up," I say sitting down next to him.

The nurse sighed realizing that this was a fight she wasn't gonna win. "I'll get your clothes."

I grabbed Carl's hand."Hey dad? It's me (Y/n). Can you hear me? They... Decommissioned Markus..." I say crying. "The world is so cruel..." I say crying. "He did nothing to deserve that. He was always so caring. God he almost had a future..." I sob. I suddenly felt him squeeze back.
I looked up. "Dad? I questioned.

" (Y/n).." He said looking at me.

I smiled and cried. "I knew you would live, I'm gonna get the nurse okay?"

He stopped me. "No! Listen to me...You are one of the most sophisticated and philosophical young women. I knew. It was a privilege to know you and call you my daughter...I need you to protect Markus and be there for him...thing's will be difficult for him." He said quickly.

"Dad- listen to me...Markus was..."

"Tell Leo and Markus I love them. Remind Markus of what I told him."

"Dad.." I say crying.

"Thank you and I love you." He said before closing his eyes.

"Wait. No! Dad! No!" I yelled as he began to move sporadically. Nurses pulled me back.

Carl died..November 6,2038 3:34 AM.

I was discharged to go home. I went home and sat in bed with no intentions of getting out of it. I found it safe enough to pour out all my sorrows into the pillow. Since Leo was no where to be found as of now. I was the only one watching him be buried. It was quick and not enough time to grieve but we would be burying him and reading off his will.

I got a call from Kamski. I refused to answer. I just wanted to be alone for right now.
I was going to burying my father figure in less than 16 hours. I fell asleep and slept in til 4:30 to get ready for the funeral which started at 5:

 I fell asleep and slept in til 4:30 to get ready for the funeral which started at 5:

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