[25] War Path

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Markus's Pov:

A week had passed and in that week. (Y/n) had been transported to Detroit in Elijah's house so we have constant supervision over her. She has a Nurse that checks in twice a day.
North had been transported to Detroit station so it was more efficient for Connor to keep up with his cases and monitor North.

In that week...nothing had changed. North refused to speak. (Y/n) hasn't waken up. I am losing my patience and hope very quickly. I attempted many times to go and speak with North myself but each time it had been the same thing.

'(Y/n) wouldn't want that for you.'

'Think about (Y/n).'

I loved her. I loved her so much but every time I heard that I slowly felt further agitated than the last time.

I had gotten her flowers and put them by her bed. I talk to her every morning even if she can't talk back. I hardly work because I look at a page and all I can think about is going to check on her so I do. I was getting fed up of being caught in this vicious cycle. Knowing I could do something. I need to do something. I can't sit here any longer waiting for a change I need to do something.

I have too much anger and sadness built. I've been keeping it all built up for the sake of others but I'm done. I rise out of my spot beside the bed and grab my coat.

"Markus where are you going?"

"I'm done waiting for something to change. I'm going to that police station and confronting North myself."

"Markus you need to think rationally. (Y/n) wouldn't want you to-" Elijah started before I interrupted.

"I am getting very irked with people telling me that when that don't even know her on a personal level." I growled getting in his face.

"I'm not other people Markus. That is my sister. I've known her most my life. So I know her a personal level." Elijah argued not backing down.

"You don't know what she would want for us. You don't know us. You never will. You can't tell me what she would want for me to do because she's not here to defend herself. She's in a coma most likely to never fucking wake up!!!" I yell angrily with tears running down my face. "You think I'm naive? That I don't notice the pity look her nurse gives me and how the two of you speak in private? I hear and see everything Elijah!! I'm going to the station." I say finally.

I am driven to the station and the guards couldn't get me there faster enough. But when they did. I dismiss them despite their insistence on staying with me. They finally leave and I wait at Connor's desk.
It wasn't long before he had finally arrived.

"Markus, what are you doing here?" Connor asked.

"Are you currently dealing with another case or are you still interrogating North?" I asked not answering his question.

"I just got back from the interrogation room."

"Let me see her." I demand.

"Markus-" Connor started.

"Connor..." I started. "Take me to her.." I say trying to remain calm.

Connor takes me into the smaller room with the one way mirror. I look at North through the glass. She looks miserable but yet again untouched.

"She hasn't said anything?" I asked looking at her.

"Besides Fuck off, eat human fecal matter and decommission yourself...no."

"Let me speak to her..." I say.

"Just a forewarning you Markus there are cameras recording they hear what you are saying." Connor says.

[✔] Completed! Oddly Compatible>>>MarkusxReader (Detroit: Become Human)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang