[2] Broken

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(5 months later) November 5th,2038:

Markus Pov:
I just returned back from getting Carl's paints. I turned on the birds (Y/n) loved them so I always remembered to turn them on just in case she decides to stop by. I then go upstairs to get Carl ready. I open the curtains and Carl awakens.

"Good Morning, Carl." I say

"Good morning," He says in a sleepy voice.

"It's 10am," I say as I watch him sit up. "The weather's partly cloudy, 54°, 80% humidity with a strong possibility of afternoon showers," I say as he lays back down sighing.

"It sounds like a good day to spend in bed," Carl comments.

"I did go to pick up the paint that you ordered." I say walking over to him.

"Oh yes. I'd forgotten." Carl starts. "That is the difference between you and me right Markus?" He asked as I prepared his medicine  "You never forget anything."

"Show me your arm, please Carl." I say before sitting at his side.

"No." He said stubbornly.

"Carl," I said in a warning voice. He sighed and gave me his arm. "Thank you," I say as I give him the medicine.

"I just opened my eyes and I'm already gritting my teeth," He commented. "Humans are such a fragile machine," He admitted. "They break down so quickly. All this effort to keep'em going," he continued.

I didn't know how to respond to him neither did i really want to if I had the will to.

"Hey," He started. "What happened to your clothes?" He asked.

"Oh, its nothing," I dismissed. "Just some demonstrators in the street. Carl." I answered honestly.

"Nothing? If (Y/n) saw this she would throw a fit," He started.

I smiled a bit knowing he was right.

"What a bunch of idiots..they think they can stop progress by roughing up a few androids?" He asked annoyed. "I hope they didn't harm you,"

"Oh, no,no..they just pushed me around Carl. I'm fine," I admit."Trust me. I'll be OK," I say with a small smile. "I'll take you to the bathroom now," I say carefully lifting him up to carry him to the bathroom.

Your POV:

"I'm telling you (Y/n) deviancy is on a rise and I can sense a war. I know you treat androids as they were family and you see them as equals but just like humans some of them are dangerous. All I ask is that you be careful." Elijah said.

"Of course," I say.

He hugged me. "I love you," He whispered.

"It's not the end of the world yknow?" I say.

"I am aware. I just rarely say it," He said as he let me go.

I sighed. "I love you too Elijah,"

"I am assuming you will be rushing off to Mr.Manfred's?"

"You know me too well," I say smiling.

"Be safe," He said.

"I will," I say walking away. Once I got to there house I used my spare key to let myself inside.

"Hello?" I call.

"In the dining area!" Markus called.

I speed walked into the dining area.
"(Y/n) glad you could join us this morning," Carl said. "What brings you by?"

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