[29] Exposure

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The next day...
Your POV:

"I love these moments." I confess to him.

"Oh really?" He teased and I giggled.

"Yes- I mean every moment with you is monumental. But it's moments like these that I love to cherish because...I feel like...We see each other in our most vulnerable form. I love being open and vulnerable with you." I admit.

Markus hand traveled along on my side and stopped at my hip. "I like it too...not only us is satisfying sexually but emotionally." Markus admits.

"Vulnerability has a negative connotation attached to it. But with the right person it can have a beautiful meaning. When I'm vulnerable with you...I'm safe and happy." I say smiling.

"When I'm vulnerable with you...I'm home." Markus told me before giving me a kiss. "I'm so very fortunate to have the privilege of sharing my dream with you. I'm at peace and married to the most wonderful woman on the planet." Markus said caressing my cheek before he towered over me to give me a tender and passionate kiss. Then he pulled away with a smile.

"(Y/n)..wake up," Markus said.

I looked at him in pure confusion. "What?"

"Wake-up," Markus said kissing my shoulder.

I opened my eyes and looked over to Markus behind me.

[✔] Completed! Oddly Compatible>>>MarkusxReader (Detroit: Become Human)Where stories live. Discover now