Chapter 15

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Hooked Chapter 15, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Harry Potter

Warnings: Drug abuse, Bad language

Chapter 15

Harry opened his eyes and slowly looked around. He was lying on the cold and slightly wet ground. It was still dark and cold and he could hear some distant blurred voices. It was like he was seeing in slow motion. 'He had fallen' he thought to himself and he looked up clumsily to where he had been on the buildings ledge, but he had felt no pain... Was he dead? Was this some kind of out of body experience he was having? His mind started whirling, 'I must be dead' he kept thinking to himself and he started to panic.

He sat up slowly and felt around; he could move every part of his body so he wasn't paralyzed, but why wasn't he in pain? He felt slightly sore but he seemed to be fine...

"Harry!" shouted someone in the distance and Davy's face appeared in front of him.

"Harry, Harry! Fuck! Are you okay mate?" asked Davy quickly in a breathless voice kneeling down next to him

Harry looked at Davy dazed

"I think I'm dead" he said absently. Why else couldn't he feel anything?

Davy just laughed and pulled Harry up and into a hug. He then held him out at arm's length and started inspecting him for any damage.

"Holy shit you are one lucky guy, there's hardly a scratch on you" he said prodding at Harry who was standing in a zombie like state waiting for something bad to happen. 'What the hell just happened?' he asked himself

"Where's Steve?" he asked Davy still really confused

"Steve? Oh yeah I decked him after he practically pushed you off that ledge, he's going to be out for a while... I think we need to get you back to Lucy so she can have a look at you" said Davy with a hint of concern in his voice while he watched Harry zone out.

He put his hand on Harry's back and led him off back to Lucy's as Lucy was training to be a nurse and would know what to do.

"He fell off a 3 story building?" asked Lucy when they got to hers, with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, you should have seen it, then he just got back up!" said Davy laughing but then went serious again "You should probably check him out a bit" he said pointedly to Harry who was repeatedly smacking himself in the head. Ella was watching slightly worried while Summer and Will went to get drinks (non alcoholic) for everyone.

"Harry for fucks sake what did you get yourself into?" she asked pulling Harry's arms away from him and started looking over his body.

"I can't feel anything" he said flippantly while punching himself in the leg to demonstrate.

Lucy rolled her eyes and carried on her inspection. He had a few faded bruises and scratches but otherwise he seemed fine...

"Are you sure he fell off a 3 story building?" she asked indecorously

"Yeah" said Davy defiantly while frowning

"Are you positive? Because the last time you said someone fell off a building you were both actually just pissed rolling around on the road while screaming at bins. Is this another one of those times?" she asked in a bored voice

"Hey! I didn't say that Phil fell off a building; I said he jumped out of a Macky D's window. Harry did fall off the building! We all saw him!" said Davy while lighting up a cigarette.

"Well he seems fine to me, how can he jump off a 3 story building and not feel any pain?" she asked

"Look at him Luce" said Davy in a low voice dragging Lucy to the side while trying to balance himself by holding her shoulder. Harry was silently staring ahead blankly at the wall "Does that look right to you?" he asked

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