Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Harry Potter

Warnings: Child abuse, drug abuse, fairly bad language, mild violence

Chapter Three

It was the day after his Occlumency lesson with Harry and Severus was still furious at the boy's behaviour. He had straight away stormed into Dumbledore's' office back in Hogwarts and argued with the headmaster for a good 20 minutes about how incompetent the boy was and how he was just like his father and how he was lazy, of course Dumbledore had heard all of this before but listened anyway and then tried to convince him the importance of Harry learning Occlumency.

"I fear that the connection between Harry and Voldemort will only grow stronger. We have discussed this many times already Severus. He must be able to close his mind off in order for him to defeat Voldemort and this is especially important this year"

"Why can't someone else do it? After everything I have already done for you in this war why can't you get someone else to train the Potter brat?" he had asked icily

"Because you are the best at Occlumency out of all the people we could trust with the job. Now would you like me to write to Harry about his next session or will you?"

And that had been it. Snape was going to carry on being forced into working with the wretched boy twice a week during his Summer holidays. He didn't bother mentioning about the boy's strange appearance or the his odd relatives; partly because he was too angry to remember at the time but also because he presumed that the boy-who-lived would be one of the most protected and looked after people in the country. Probably spoiled rotten as well he had thought to himself, but in the back of his mind he couldn't help but think that something was 'off'.

It was two days after Snape's visit and Harry found himself in his usual routine and was currently scrubbing the floors of the Dursleys kitchen. After Snape left he was expecting the worst from his uncle after 'inviting freaks into his home' but was surprised when he didn't mention it. He just glared at him and handed him a list of chores to do while his relatives went out shopping. Harry thought the lack of usual violence and yelling was because his relatives were now scared that someone was checking up on him and it would be suspicious if he got any bruises seeing as they know (or think they know) that he never leaves the house.

This new arrangement suited Harry of course as he wouldn't have to talk to the Dursleys, he could just get on with his chores, which most of the time Harry wouldn't mind as it gives him something else to think about other then Sirius's death and the prophecy. Had he also received a very brief letter from Snape saying that they would have Occlumency lessons twice a week on Saturdays and Wednesday's at 6pm. He was mad as hell about this and seriously considered writing a blunt letter to his headmaster explaining where he can shove his Occlumency lessons, but decided against it when he was sober enough to actually pick up a pen.

Tonight would also be the first night with his friends after Snape's 'lesson'. This was because the others needed last night to recover after being up all of the previous night and that day. This meant that Harry had spent the last two days and nights trying to keep his mind occupied by exercising, drinking twice as much as he knew from his experiences last year that after Occlumency lessons he would get the worst nightmares. He had slept about 7 hours over the last 2 days and 4 hours of these hours he wasn't actually sleeping, he was unconscious due to the drug and alcohol binge to keep him going until he would see the rest of his mates.

Another thing he had to look forward to was that he would be celebrating his birthday this year with his new friends. They weren't really doing anything special, just hanging out in the park again but to Harry it would still be the best birthday he had had yet. They would be meeting at 11.30 as usual and they promised to get the most drugs and the most booze they could get their hands on as Harry's was the only birthday in the holidays which gave them the excuse to get themselves wasted.

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