Chapter 22

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Hooked Chapter 22, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Harry Potter

Warnings: No warnings for now

Hooked Chapter 22

Being let out of the hospital wing early had still come at a price. Harry had to report to the wing every day after breakfast and dinner to have a check up, the latter also involved an hour session with Healer Johnson who would get him to talk about how he's dealing with everything and any cravings he's having etc. One thing he hated about these little daily meetings was when Madam Pomfrey would ask to see his wrists for any 'self inflicted cuts' which was complete rubbish and then would check him over for any glamour's he might of put up. The first time he had been asked to do this he was rather embarrassed and kind of angry. He hated that he was being as some whiny self harmer who has to be constantly watched in case he decides to top himself. But apparently this was on a list of checks Healer Johnson had created that she used on kids in situations like his. When he brought this to Healer Johnsons attention she said that they couldn't go back to trusting him completely for his own sake and that she and Madam Pomfrey were just trying to find the right balance of trust, and that self harming doesn't make someone a "whiny bitch", it makes them depressed and in need of release, similar to a drug a release. Harry thought checking his wrists was a waste of time, he never really thought he had properly self-harmed, just punched a few things, and even if he had and wanted to keep it up he wouldn't do it on a place so easily viewable such as his wrists. He brought that up with Healer Johnson too but quickly stopped when she suggested a full body search instead of just the wrists.

After a session mostly based on how Harry's cravings were and how he's feeling, the Healer brought up the Dursleys for the first time since Harry's outburst.

"Harry what I'm about to suggest is off the record as technically it's against rules" she said seriously as Harry looked at her curiously and she continued

"But before I do I need to know about the extent of the abuse you suffered at the Dursleys" she said and carried on when Harry looked like he was going to interrupt "I'm not getting into a debate on whether it happen or not, I'm not an idiot I know there was violence there. I just need to know how bad"

She gave him a few moments while he just raised his eyebrows and refused to say anything

"Was there any sexual abuse?" she asked calmly

"No" Harry replied frowning, creeped out by the thought.

The healer looked into his eyes checking for any signs of dishonesty. When she found none she continued

"In your childhood were you ever "injured" to the extent where you had to go to the hospital?"

"No" Harry replied simply. They probably wouldn't have taken him even if he did need it.

"Okay" said the healer looking very slightly relieved "Well in that case I would like to suggest that instead of pressing charges against the Dursleys and starting an investigation you don't go back to the Dursleys"

Harry raised his eyebrows

"I don't have to go back?"

"Well technically your 16 and you can legally move out at that age anyway" she replied

"Wait, why does this have to be 'off the record'" asked Harry

"Because I'm technically required to report any told illegal acts against my patients that are minors to the ministry. But in a lot of cases, like this one, there's just no point unless the crimes are really serious or without proof like hospital reports. Like you said yourself, there's no evidence here that would hold up in muggle or wizarding court. The best thing you can do is not go back there. Professor Dumbledore agrees and will make arrangements for next summer"

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