Chapter 10

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Hooked Chapter 10, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Harry Potter

Warnings: Drug abuse, Bad language

Chapter Ten

The word anger didn't quite cover what Harry was feeling after his little meeting with Dumbledore. That's how he found himself locked in a completely wrecked classroom at 7pm that night trying to destroy everything in sight. 'How dare he say that to me' he kept thinking to himself, if it wasn't for Dumbledore he could have had everything. He could have been raised with Sirius if he bothered to properly investigate what happened on the day of his parent's murder. He had the power to. If that bastard had told him the truth last year then he wouldn't have ran off to the ministry. If Dumbledore stepped in and said he didn't have to do the triwizard tournament then Voldemort might not have returned in the first place. But no, instead he made a scared shitless 14 year old be pushed into and battle dragons and merpeople.

"FUCKING BASTARD" Harry screamed and threw a chair across the room. He stood there for a while breathing heavily

He looked down and saw his knuckles and hands were bleeding and all bruised from punching things. He slowly slid down the wall until he was sat on the floor and brought his legs up to his chest and let angry tears fill his eyes and he banged his head against the wall until it became too painful. 'Why does this happen to me?' he kept thinking to himself distraughtly. He just sat their feeling angry and depressed until he had enough energy to walk back to the dorm rooms.

He checked his appearance was still covered by the glamour's he had on and made his way out the room and towards the common room, feeling slightly embarrassed over his breakdown. When he entered the common room Ron and Hermione jumped up to go meet him. But before Hermione had a chance to start telling him off

"Leave it Hermione, I'm tired" he said sharply

Hermione and Ron looked shocked and quite a bit angry but he couldn't care right now. He was starting what would be a bad comedown and he was still so angry it wouldn't be worth trying to start a conversation with them or anyone else for that matter. He violently shut the curtains and swallowed a few pills Davy gave him and mixed them with some vodka to help him get to sleep quickly.


The shakes had started earlier than expected. Of course he knew it was heroin he and Davy had the other night but usually he could delay the effects for awhile with other drugs but this time it hadn't worked. It was the next day Harry was alone in the boy's dormitories while everyone else was at Breakfast getting ready to go to Hogsmeade. It was the 3rd or 2nd time he had tried heroin, he couldn't really remember one of the times. It felt so good...

Harry was going to go join everyone else and get Ron and Hermione's interrogation out of the way, but he was side tracked not only by his shaking hands but also when he found something in his trunk. He had just been hiding his new stash off drugs he got the other night when he came across a photograph near the bottom of his trunk. He had completely forgotten about it. It was the photo of the original order of the phoenix that mad eye and Sirius had shown him in his 5th year. There was Sirius and his parents waving up at him, all of them now dead through protecting him.

It wasn't fair, he kept thinking to himself. Sirius had survived a crazy dark family, Voldemort and Azkaban but he couldn't survive Harry. They were so close to being a family and Harry had ruined it all. Realistically, if Harry wasn't here, Sirius still would have been.

He made it for the last few minutes of breakfast in the great hall where Hermione starting firing questions at him.

"Harry, where were you? We were all so worried, Dumbledore was about to send the order to go out and look for you" started Hermione

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