Chapter 2

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Hooked Chapter 2, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction


Not my fanfic. Credit CarlyS123 on

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Harry Potter

Warnings: Child abuse, drug abuse, fairly bad language, mild violence

A/N Decided to write another chapter, please review and tell me how I'm doing. Enjoy :)

Chapter Two

Without noticing Harry was now in a routine of waking up, snort or smoke whatever stash he had left on him, doing his chores, argue with his 'family' (sometimes resulting in a fight), work out until exhausted, smoke some pot, get a few hours sleep, then meet up with the group in the park to get wasted. During one of his rare moments of awareness, he found it funny that a few weeks ago if anyone told him he would be getting drunk almost every night and doing drugs like cocaine and even heroin, which he had decided not to continue after its profound effects, he would have told them to see a shrink. Yet he was here in the park two days later with his new mates doing all of this. They were going a little over board as the night before they couldn't meet up as the rest of the group were busy. Harry laughed thinking what it would be like to be able to tell the group he couldn't make one night because he was busy, as though he had other friends and an exciting social life.

"Your guys are gonna love meee" said Lucy twirling round the bars on the swing set, trying to be elegant but swaying on her feet after everything she'd drank.

"Why? What did you do now?" asked Will

"Well tell me Will, have you got enough happiness in your life?" she asked and went and sat on Wills knee "Enough joy? Enough ecstasy? Hahahaha" she said while pulling out a pack of pills in a small plastic bag.

Harry and Davy were watching with amusement, they were already so drunk that they couldn't stand up properly so hand surrendered to the ground propped up against the park bench. Harry didn't know how much vodka or coke he's had, but by the way he couldn't read the no littering sign that was less than 5m in front of him meant he knew it must have been a lot. They were currently trying to roll up a joint each while watching the commotion with Lucy.

"What about you boys? Fancy some fun?" Lucy asked staggering over to Harry and Davy. Lucy was rarely this drunk in the park as she believed she had more sense than that, but tonight had been an exception.

"Harry" she started "we all know you could use a bit of fun"

"Bring it" laughed harry

She put the pill in between her tongue and her top teeth and went over and straddled harry on the floor, she then put her mouth to his, briefly kissing each other opened mouthed he took the pill and swallowed it. He smiled

"Thanks Luce" he said

She smiled and patted him on the cheek and turned to a gobsmacked Davy

"Hey I'd like a pill too" he said smirking

"Here" she said chucking the bag of pills at him then walked off to Summer who was dancing under the swing set.

"What! Where's the love? I was hoping for a little tongue with mine" shouted Davy

"Get Harry to do it" she replied laughing

"Nah I know where he's been" said Harry turning to Davy

Davy ignored him and pouted turning to Lucy who was already off into the park.

"Oh well" Davy said and took 3 pills at once with a shot of Tequila and shivered

"I hate that shit" said Harry looking at the bottle

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