Chapter 1

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Hooked Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction


Not my story. Credit to CarlyS123 on

Summary: This story takes place during Harry's 5th year summer holidays (after Sirius dies) and is about how harry deals with his death and the pressure of being the 'Chosen One'. This story is mostly about the drugs but will include some other plots.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Harry Potter

Warnings: Child abuse, drug abuse, fairly bad language, mild violence

A/N Up to the 5th book this story pretty much follows all the books so there are no major changes. The only change I have is that Harry doesn't wear glasses; I think he looks better without them.

Chapter One

Harry Potter was lying down in his small and simple bedroom at number 4 Privet drive. He was staring up at the ceiling with dull glazed eyes as though unconscious (which he was bordering onto) while feeling the euphoric high turn into numbness and feeling empty. Next to him on his bed was a lighter and a small bowl filled with ash.

The numb feeling was starting to wear off already and onto the next stage of fatigue and his body started aching. Harry couldn't even begin to describe how his life had come to this. Sirius's death had been a massive blow to Harry's already messed up life. Not only had Cedric died because of him, but then Sirius had to die too, the only person he could ever think of as a father. Everything he had done for Harry from eating rats to see him to defending him to that bastard Snape and generally being there when he needed advice. And how had he thanked him? By getting him murdered just because he was too dam stupid to see Voldemorts' trap. Then there was the prophecy that was eternally binding him to this whole situation that could result in hundreds of lives being lost. He needed an escape.

He had this fear and claustrophobic feeling gathering in his chest and he needed to get out and do something. This was not helped of course by having to spend the summer with the Dursleys who for years have been yelling at him and using him as a servant with the occasional violence. Although, now it was better; now he was older they couldn't boss him around or 'rough him up a bit' as much. He's now bigger and stronger, probably due to the fact he had being working out in his room for hours on end for months now to get rid of the restless energy that had been building up and to forget everything that has happened and what will happen. However this still didn't stop the few drunken fights with his uncle and his aunt treating him like dirt but he was powerless to do anything as he knew he would be kicked out if he fought back.

All these feelings of anger and repression made him wonder off out of little winging into the not-so-nice parts of Surry. He'd done it before during his childhood. He'd sneak off bored and walk the 15 minutes to the park that edged onto the West hill Estate and hang out there. He'd made numerous friends there over the years when his was a child that would come and go, never really sticking around; they were just strangers seeking comfort like him.

A few days after he got back from Hogwarts for the summer holidays after he had recovered from the initial 'welcome home' from his Uncle after half the order had confronted him at the train station (fat lot of help that did) he started walking to this park that he hadn't been to in years. He was numb and sort of shocked after everything that had happened at Hogwarts and felt like he just needed to get out the house. After his 5th year at Hogwarts he was left with so many feelings, emotions trying to push through at once that it left him feeling empty and jittery. He hadn't even noticed where he was until he found himself on the swings of the old park he went to. That's where he met Davy and the gang. Just a bunch of kids his age drinking. It was 1am and Harry had sneaked out after one of his regular nightmares that stopped him from going back to sleep, Sirius falling through the arch, Bellatrixs' laughing face. He lit a cigarette from a packet he stole from Dudley on the day he came back, he needed some release, he just needed to feel something, he felt kind of like he wanted to hurt himself, like his body deserves to be punished. Davy and his three mates were already pretty drunk and saw Harry sitting alone on the swings. They saw him sitting there with a bandage around his wrist and his bruised face and asked if he was okay and if he would like to join the party. Usually he would have politely declined and walked off, but after the year he thought why not?

Hooked - A Harry Potter StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ