Chapter 13

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Hooked Chapter 13, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from HarryPotter

Warnings: Drug abuse, Bad language

Chapter Thirteen

"So Harry was doing drugs?" asked Fred disbelievingly

"Harry? Come on he would never do that, he may have changed a bit but not that much" said George. It was the day after Harry left and they were all sitting in the lounge waiting for news off Dumbledore who was checking the Dursleys, Mrs Figg and asking around some places Harrymight have gone. Last night they had all searched around the area but have found nothing.

"Ron, I know what I saw, that wasn't a cigarette" said Ginny fiercely

"And how would you know that little sister?" asked George with a frown

"Because it was rolled up and smelt completely different. We did drugs awareness remember?"

"Oh yeah" replied George "That was a fun day"

"Anyway, we have to go" said Fred "Before Harrywent nuts and did a runner we were on our way to check out some premises at Hogsmeade to see if we can expand the business a little"

"Keep us posted" said George as they walked out leaving Bill, Ginny, Ron and Hermione who were all silently thinking.

"Maybe it was just a one off" said Ron out of the blue

"I doubt it" said Bill "Remember a few weeks ago when he was staying at ours? He seemed high then"

"Why didn't you say anything?" asked Ron crossly

"I said that he seemed high. I'm not just gonna go up to a guy and ask him if he's high or not" replied Bill calmly

"I think he's suffering from depression" said Hermione quietly "I think that's why he took cannabis; some people believe it helps with that"

The room went silent. Of course no one believed he was a druggie. Everyone thought his behaviour was due to stress and grief.

"You don't think he's addicted do you?" asked Ginny

"I don't know" replied Hermione "He said it was a one off thing and he doesn't look like he's addicted, he looks completely healthy. It was just his behaviour that was odd which is why I thought he was suffering from... well... mental health problems"

"But Harry's always been slightly bonkers, we joke about it all the time..." said Ron hesitantly

"But that was before his Godfather died" said Ginny quietly


It was two days later and there was still no sign of Harry. Although Harrywas missing Dumbledore and the Order were not extremely worried as Harryhas run off before (back at Hogwarts) and he seems to be in a good hiding place somewhere as they have no idea where he went. The only thing they were praying for now is that Harrywill have calmed down and will return safe and sound at Kings Cross station.

"Kids today" said Moody "Expected everyone to run around after them and clean up their messes"

"Alastair, I hardly think that's fair" started Mineva "Although it was very foolish it's clear that Mr Potter is not in the right state of mind"

Moody grunted as though the thought was ridiculous.

"What was Potters excuse for his behaviour when confronted?" asked Snape in an unreadable tone. He had remained unusually silent through their conversation so far. He heard about the supposed drugs he was smoking, it led his mind back to summer when he saw the signs of it on Potter and even questioned it. But since Hogwarts began he just seemed unhinged instead of stoned.

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