19: Lower Your Gaze

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Chapter 19: Lower Your Gaze ;)

Sarahs POV

I Can't find my phone. This is not a joke, I'm trying to be serious; I can't find my phone!

Was it stupid of me to leave it on the table? I mean, I work here so I know everyone. They're like family. Plus, I just left to get some coffee, where'd it disappear?

Maybe I forgot? Maybe I didn't actually leave it here, maybe I took it with me or something?

After a few minutes of fumbling through my pockets, work papers, and handbag, I came to the conclusion that yup, my phone was no where to be seen. This is a crisis. I'm not even kidding.

Ya rabi... (Oh God)

I should call it. Yup. I will.

I walked over to Jin and explained everything, asking for her phone.

"yeah sure, here you go." she sounded as nonchalant as ever. I honestly loved that girl.

I dialed my phone number and waited for the ringtone to bring the all too good news to me.

Except, it came from the most unexpected places.

From Adams table.

He didn't even notice the phone ringing, that's how busy he was.

"Hello Adam,"

"Oh hi there Sarah," he said, not even looking at me.

"What's my phone doing at your table, if I may ask."

"Oh that," He sighed and looked up at me, "I found it on the floor by the main entrance, figured I'll set it aside till you grab it."

Sounds good enough. What was that he just said under his breathe?

I hope he didn't open it.

My password is too easy anyone can guess it.

"Thanks, " I say.

As I'm about to leave, he says something that has me spinning around faster than light.

Adams POV

"Don't worry, wallah I didn't open it." I say, watching her swirl around faster than a cornered rat.

"What did you just say?" she whispered.

"I said don't worry..."

Yes, I was teasing her.

"No, no... Not that... After that."

"I said I didn't open it?"

"Adam. I'm serious. "

"Okay, okay..." I raise my hands in defeat, "I said wallah."

"You know what that means? "

"yup. I swear to God."

"Why are you using it though? It's kinda a Muslim or even Arab thing..."

"Maybe because I'm using Muslim things now?" I say hesitantly, "I'm Muslim now."

I didn't even have to study her to know that she was flustered.

"I... Wow.. " she blinked vigorously, "Well MashaAllah... Mabrook.. congratulations.."

Then she turned around and started walking away before stopping abruptly.

She turned back and smirked at me.

"Adam White, Lower your gaze. You should know what that is?" and she walked away with a new bounce in her step.

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