This alley was like the highway, branching off into most of the other alleys, but you had to know which turns to take.

And, if you were quiet, it was surprisingly easy to lose people through them.

After Jonathan lead them through the maze of alleys, they came out in front of a skyscraper and Jonathan paused.

"Alright, I don't think they'll find us now. I usually lose people in that alley."

He turned back to Tyler and the Omega, seeing them stare at him in surprise.

Well, the Omega was surprised. Tyler was just staring at him.

"How did you know to bring us here?"

Tyler snapped, taking a step closer toward Jonathan.

Jon blinked and took a step back.

"W-what? I don't-"

"Don't lie to me. I know when people are lying."

Jonathan kept opening and closing his mouth, too shocked and confused to answer.

"T-take you where?"

He finally managed to say.

"Answer my question!"

Tyler snapped, his growl making Jonathan's body freeze.

"I didn't know! The alley ends here!"

The three of them were quiet for a long moment as Jon tried to calm himself down. He didn't know why he was breathing so hard, but the tingling in his wings was becoming more and more painful.

He hadn't worn his jacket this long before and they were out of blood.

How long until he would tell them he was an Omega?

Or how long until they found out?

Jonathan rolled his shoulder uncomfortably, trying to give his wings at least a little bit of blood, but it just made it worse.

Now he couldn't ignore the needles spreading through his wings and shoulders.

Finally, Tyler sighed.

"Whatever. Thank you for losing those dickheads."

They were quiet for a moment on the nearby desolate sidewalk, and eventually, the Omega glanced at Tyler, then back at Jonathan.

"This is your last chance. Are you sure you want to take this job? After this point, there's no backing out."

Jonathan blinked in surprise.

No backing out?

What, is he doing this until he dies?

Jonathan thought about it for a moment, then nodded.

Got nothing else to lose.

"I'm sure."

The Omega nodded with a smile.

"Great. The first thing you need to do is lose those fake antlers."

Jonathan felt his heart skip a beat as he stared in shock.


Tyler groaned and rolled his eyes and the Omega scoffed.

"Did you think you could fool us? You're not even wearing any scent blockers."

Jonathan blinked for a moment, then asked slowly,

"Scent blockers?"

Tyler and the Omega just stared at Jonathan a moment before Tyler asked,

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