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Amaterasu (Fuming): Aw, damnit all!!! Tagged a 3rd time, and in the same book too. This time, it was Poohdemaple that tagged me; oh, I will get my vengeance on you. (Exhales) Anyway, let's answer these questions.

1. What's your name?
- The Name is Ashalley. Amma or Ashes to my friends.

2. Do I scare you, if not, what does?
- No, you don't scare me. What does scare me is loneliness.

3. Would you kill me?
- As long as you don't attack my family or friends (Pets included) then you and I have no issues.

4. Current Hair Color & Natural Hair Color?
- My Hair is Coal Black. Still is.

5. Strength?
- Mental: I have very strong mental wards. Physically: I can lift my brother, who weighs about 160 lbs., without any trouble.

6. Outdoors or Indoors?
- I'm an Introvert but I tend to go outside, mainly when it's sunset or nighttime.

7. Top or Bottom (Sex)?
- I'm pure. I intend to stay that way until marriage.

8. Age?
- I'm 4 Moons and 1 Star old. (21 year old)

9. Where do you live?
- In my head, most of the day.

10. Favorited Food?
- Meat. Mainly Read Meat. (I hate Fish)

11. Favorite Anime?
- I have a list somewhere around here (Looks around)

12. Favorite Band?
- 3 Days Grace.

13. Last song listened to?
- One Million Dreams by The Greatest Show On Earth

14: Second Favorite Band?
- Nickleback.

15. Do you sing?
- Sometimes, but never around my mom; she tries to take videos.

16. Are you social?
- When I feel like it.

17. Have you ever been in a fight before?
- A lot when I was little. Now, I try to avoid violence. (Doesn't mean I still won't throw these hands)

18. Are you protective?
- Extremely. Of my family, friends, pack members, religion, and pets.

19. Favorite Sport?
- Karate. (If it's considered a sport)

20. Darkest thing you've ever done?

- Nothing. Not that kind of person.

21. Worse Injury?
- My Uncle, who trains in Taekwondo, and I were working on my form but I ended up falling pretty bad during a spar and slightly dislocated my right ankle. I couldn't get anywhere with those damn crutches.

22. Thoughts on Gays & Lesbians?
- I have nothing against Gays or Lesbians; I'm friends with a few of them. You can't help who your heart is calling for.

23. What's the nicest thing you heard from your friends?
- During High School, I overheard my team members say that I was a great leader; that made me feel happy.

24. Are you single?
- Nope. I've been in a happy relationship with my boyfriend of 5 years.

25. Who mainly raised you?
- My Mother, My Aunts, and My Grandmother on my Father's Side.

26. Whose closest to you?
- My Mother and My Aunts.

27. Do you like children?
- I love kids! I love being around them and helping taking care of them.

28. How tall are you?
- I'm about 5'7.

29. Are you a pervert?
- Um...I tend to read Hentai at times. (>////< Don't judge me!)

30. White or Black?

- It's doesn't make what color you care, you're still you.

31. Dogs or Cats?
- I've been raised around dogs but I'm more of a cat person.

32. Personality?
- I am usually a rather chilled person but I can get very feisty if the situation calls for it.

33. Can you swim?
- Yep. I'm a Cancer, The Ruler of the Moon. I control the water!

34. Worst Break Up?
- I haven't been in a break-up.

35. Favorite Outdoors Activities?
- I love tending to flowers.

36. Do you have a job?

- Not at the moment, but I am looking hard for one.


Amaterasu: Now that is over, I have to plan The Demise of Poohdemaple. Later. (Goes to plan demise for a ghost)

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