Locked-Out From Love

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Amaterasu: Greetings Readers and Writers.

Wulf: We are here to present the first of the last 6 Chapters to this book.

Taz: Y/N is safe with the rest of her friends but that doesn't mean that this story is over.

Someone in the audience: How do you know that?!

Amaterasu/Wulf/Taz: BECAUSE WE SAID SO!

(The Wolf Trio does awesome poses before they poof away into clouds of smoke)

Someone in the audience: How do they do that?

Someone else: They're Otaku and Wolf Ninjas. They can do anything.


(Boris' Safehouse)

The Ink Wolf and Ink Devil sat at the round table with their hands locked together and their hearts heavy, the both of them let out an exhale of relief at the fact that the plan went off without a hitch. Y/N was in the other room resting, the influence of the Alice's Ink Collar took a toll on her mental health and it took a lot of her strength to remove, not to mention the deep puncture wounds that the collar left on her neck. Angelia and Henry were in the other room bandaging up the behemoth but something told them that it wasn't just Y/N mind and body that was damaged.

"I'm worried about Y/N, Bendy. If what Alice said was true, then we have a serious problem." Boris said as his hand ran to the top of his head and he let out an exhale.

"Me too, Boris. I knew that Susie had a crush on Y/N but everything she and Alice have done has gone too far: Killing Joey. I understand; the bastard was a prick and he stole from her, chased away a good person and member of the family. Joining with Alice: not something that I would have agreed with but still understandable. But luring them here, attacking them, trying to kill Henry...Forcing herself on Y/N...Just how sick is this bitch?!" Bendy yelled as he slammed his hand on the table. "Y/N didn't deserve that, no one deserves something like that to happen to them but she didn't care and she did something like that to her. I hope Y/N rips her neck clean off her body." Bendy finished and the moment he did, he felt someone place a hand on his shoulder; looking over his shoulder, he saw his father giving him a comforting smile. Henry and Angelia took the other two chair at the roundtable and the four of them started talking.

"How is she doing, Henry?" Boris was the first to ask.

"She resting up right now but we really need to get her out of here; the longer we stay here, the more that she will lose her sanity." Henry said.

"I know, that's why Boris and I were able to come up with a plan." Bendy said as the ink demon leaned back in his chair with his arms folded.

"What's the plan, Bendy?" Angelia asked.

"Right after Boris and I talked to you two in the vent, we found another way to get to the top floor: There is a staircase that heads all the way up and it should take us to the main room. I have something that could close the hole you fell through, Father." Bendy said.

"Bendy, there is no hole." Angelia announced.

"Yes, there is. Y/N and I fell through it when we were trying to get away in the beginning." Henry explained.

"Alice must have patched it up. There is a different set-up I saw when I first came here; she might have already used the plank to patch up the hole." Angelia said. Bendy thought for a while before he let out a nod.

"Okay, if that is the case, then we need to get up there and I already know that it's not going to be an easy challenge," Bendy said. The two ink creatures and humans talked about the plan not knowing that the beast had awakened from her slumber.

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