A Father & Son Heart To Heart

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(Alice and Boris are having tea while wearing Chinese Kimono)

Henry: What are you two doing?

Alice: We are having tea. (Sips her tea)

Boris: And enjoying the show. (Sips his tea)

Henry: What show?

(Just then: there was a boom in the courtyard. Henry looks and sees Amaterasu and Y/N having a Martial Arts Sparring Matching)

Henry: What the heck are they doing?!

Boris: We wolves love to engage each other in combat; it gives us a tighter bond in kinship.

Henry: Seriously?

Boris & Alice: Indeed. (Sips their tea)

Alice (Thinking): 'Honestly, I'm just here because I wanted to see what Y/N looked like in that exercise suit (Black Muscle Shirt, Black Exercise Tights, Sparring Tape wrapped around her hands and feet). I like what I see.' (Giggling)

-In The Courtyard-

Y/N (Shivers): Whoa...

Amaterasu: Y/N, you alright?

Y/N: I feel a disturbance...


(Henry's Point Of View)

If I wasn't worried before then I sure as hell was now; this has to be over soon and I have to get Y/N out of here! I had just returned from getting the power cores from the valve panels like Alice had requested, more like ordered, but once I returned I found Y/N unconscious on the floor right in front of the bridge; I rushed to her side to make sure that she was okay when Alice told me that she was sleeping and I was going to disturb her rest. I asked Alice want she did to Y/N but all she did was ask me how far would I go for the one that I loved; I knew that in the past Susie had some kind of romantic feelings for Y/N and, since she was basically her in ink form, so did Alice Angel. I decided not to challenge her because I didn't know what she was capable of here; with Y/N out of commision and Boris staying in the lift for safety, I would be on my own here. 

I was then given another task by Alice: Get rid of the Grinning Demons, a.k.a Bendy's Cut-Outs; she had given me an ax to complete the job. I made sure that Y/N was okay before I left, she was still sleeping on her satchel; her ears and tail were cutely twitching in her sleep, it made her look so adorable. I crossed the bridge, went up the stairs, crossed the Inky Sea, and made it back to the lift, which seemed to have surprised Boris; he must have been expecting Y/N to come because this would be considered her task to do. I entered the lift and pressed the button, the gates closed, the lift moved and Boris began to speak.

"Henry, where's Y/N? Isn't this her task?" Boris asked me, the concern for his little sister was obvious; he must have hoped that she would come so that he knew for himself that she was alright. I let out an exhale before I told him what happened.

"When I got back to give Alice the Power Cores, I found Y/N passed out by the bridge; my guess is that she wanted to go somewhere to pass the time until I got back but Alice wasn't having any of that. I don't know what happened but what I do know is that we need to get out of here as soon as possible!" I yelled at the last part because this was all some serious bullshit; Boris immediately agreed with me, all he cared for right now was the safety of his sister and his friend. Before anyone of us could speak another word, the lift stopped at the stop then I realized that this is where we started this crazy job. Just up those stairs were a few of Bendy's Cut-outs and the ending hallways for the Demon and Angel Paths, swallowing any fear that could have built its' way in the pit of my stomach down and walked out of the lift with the ax tight in my hands.

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