Planning In The Halls & The Sprung Trap

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(In Amaterasu's Office)

Wulf (Floating in the air): Hey Taz, did you find it yet?

Taz (Comes from behind a shelf): No, not here. I did find this, however. (Holds up a Giant Bear made of Pure Cotton Candy) 

Wulf (Raises an eyebrow): A Giant Cotton Candy Bear?

Taz: Yep...I'm gonna eat it.

Wulf: Hey! Share! 

Taz: No! It's mine! (Runs off)

Wulf (Lands on the ground): Get back here, Taz! (Chases Taz in the office)


( The Pack - Residental Floor - One Level From Freedom)

Bendy lead the way, Boris right behind him, Henry was in the middle of it all, Angelia in front of her girlfriend, and the Powerful Behemoth close behind as she watched over her pack. They left Boris' Safe House and ventured to the darkened  hallways that were Joey Drew Studios, after seconds turning into minutes, which turned into 2 hours, they finally reached the Residental Area: It was a long hallway that was riddled with doors, there were 12 doors, 6 on each side of the hallway; at the end of the hallway was an opening that led to a stairway, the very stairway that led to the first floor and to the pack's freedom. 

"The Residental Area. Ha, never thought I would see this place again." Henry said with a chuckle.

"You both actually stayed here?" Angelia asked.

"Our apartments were too far to go home and drive to work every day, thus we were given rooms in the studios and we went home on the weekends and holidays." Y/N said as she lightly leaned down to look at Angelia, who smiled at her and gave her a kiss on the scar that laid on her snout. Y/N smiled at her mate before she looked at the door she was passing.

"Hey. This was my room." The wolf announced, causing everyone to look at her and at the door she was looking at. Her curiosity got the best of her as she lifted her hand to the knob and gave it a firm turn and pushed it open; she took one step into the room and gasped at what she saw: The bed she once slept in was still there and so was everything else but it was all covered in ink like everything else in the studio but that was not what stopped her heart, it was the writing on the wall. The Literal Writing On The Wall. In large black words were written out:

'She Will Return To Me.'

'We Were Meant To Be Together.'

'I'll Get Her Back.'

'Henry Will Pay For Taking My Love.'

And much more disturbing sentences that caused the Behemoth to shake in her fur, a firm tug on her arm broke her from her thoughts as she looked and saw Angelia look at her with a worried gaze in her eyes. Y/N understood her mate's worried gaze and left the room without a word; closing the door behind her one last time and never to open it again, Y/N and Angelia walked to the boys and the four of them began to march up the wooden, creaky stairs. The way up was going for a really long time and something was not sitting right with Y/N; this was all too easy. Way too easy. They haven't seen one Ink Seeker. Not one Butcher Gang Clone. Not one call from Alice. Nothing. That didn't sit right with the wolf, something was telling her that if Alice didn't know where they were or where they were going then there would have been Seekers and Clones in the areas of Alice's Territory but there wasn't a single one. It was so quiet that all you could hear was the dripping of the ink. Y/N knew something was going on, then it hit her: They were walking right into a trap.

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