Battling The Behemoth: Getting Our Wolf Back!

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(Amaterasu and Wulf find Taz near the Pond)

Wulf: Hey Taz!

Taz (Looks at Amaterasu and Wulf): Hey Guys, what's up?

Amaterasu: Can you help us find Y/N? We can't find her anywhere.

Taz: Oh, Alice has her.

Amaterasu & Wulf: NANIII??!!!

Taz: Yeah, I saw her dragging Y/N somewhere just a few minutes ago.

Wulf: Why didn't you stop her?!

Taz: Because it makes for a good plot.

Amaterasu & Wulf:...Agreed.

(Wulf and Amaterasu lounge with Taz)


Angelia looked in horror as the one she loved charged at them like a savage beast; eyes redder than fire and claws sharper than knives. Alice did this to her. She turned Y/N into a monster. Angelia rose to her feet just in time for Henry to move her out of the way of the charging behemoth. The blur of black fur went past her head and crashed into the wall, Angelia looked behind her to see Y/N snarling and trying to get her fist out of the way to continue her onslaughter; at the time, Henry pulled Angelia behind the sofa in an attempt to buy them enough time to figure out what they were going to do to save their friend. Angelia looked on the side of the sofa to see that the behemoth was free and darted back into cover just before the snarling face could see her.

"What are we going to do, Henry? What did Alice do to her? Why is she a Werewolf Behemoth?" Angelia asked in a low panic.

"When Y/N is under intense amounts of stress, anger or she fights for too long, her wolf genes take over more and more of her body; if memory serves me right, she needs to be calmed and after a few hours of not fighting, she returns to her Furry Form." Henry explained. He thought for a moment about what to do about to do about Y/N when the shadow of the couch started to move as the couch was lifted high in the air and the snarling face of the Wolf Behemoth glared down at them. "Move!" Henry ordered and just in time too, because the moment they were out of the way, Y/N smashed the couch to the ground right where the two humans were. Her red eyes darted at the female that ran away then to the male that was picking himself off the ground just a few meters away. She lunged at Henry with her claws ready to rip the flesh from his bones.

"Henry! Look out!" Angelia called.

Just as the behemoth's claws were ready to meet his stomach, Henry swung his arm with a great force and a 'cling' sounded in the room as the side of the Behemoth's Head was met with a pipe, soon followed by a loud 'thud' as her beastly body met the ground. Henry used that time to make it to Angelia with the pipe in hand; it wasn't long after that the beast rose it her feet and glared at the man. Soon, the chuckle of the angel filled the room.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! You think that was going to stop her?! She's stronger! Better! Unstoppable! Y/N will kill you both and I will finally be rid of you imperfect creatures once and for all!" Alice said with the utmost confidence; she knew that her puppy would destroy the thief and trash that wormed their ways' into their lives. Once they were gone, they would be together at long last and nothing would keep them apart.

"We need to do something." Henry said as he watched the red-eyed beast rise to its' hind-paws. Y/N snarled at Henry before she grabbed the nearest thing to her, which happened to be a chair, and chucked it at the man; he barely had time to dodge the income piece of furniture, just as he ducked down, he hit upside the temple with the leg of the chair and it sent him into light daze. The Behemoth let out another roar before it charged at Henry again.

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