Catching Up With Bro & Meeting The Angel

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(Quick Note)

Amaterasu: Ladies and Jelly-Spoons!

Boris: Hobos and Tramps!

Alice: Cross-Eyed Mosquitos and Bow-Legged Ants!

Henry: We come before you to sit beside you!

Amaterasu/Boris/Alice/Henry: To tell you something we really don't know! (All Burst Into Laughter)

Amaterasu: Sorry! Sorry, everyone! We just couldn't help ourselves.

Alice: We tried to be serious but it was just too funny to be serious about.

Boris: Anyway, we would like to thank everyone who has read the book up until now.

Henry: Indeed. Your views are greatly appreciated.

Amaterasu: Now we have reached the first layer of the cake: The 'Meeting The Angel' Chapter. I hope you all enjoy!

Alice: Please comment and tell us what you think!


(Y/N's Point Of View)

What the hell is going on with this place? What happened after Henry and I left? So many questions and not a single answer to be given but there a few things that I learned in my short time back here:

One: Joey did something, some kind of black magic or something of the sort, to bring the characters to life. I knew it was something back from my time as a worker here but I never really questioned it until now.

Two: The Ink Machine was the cause of all of this; bringing the characters to life, ink monsters attacking us and everything else fucked up in this place.

Three: All of this time here as driven Sammy to lose his mind and worship Bendy as some kind of divine deity; only to have said deity attack him. I'm not sure if he's dead but I hope he isn't. Regardless of him trying to sacrifice me, he is still one of my closest friends.

And finally: I needed to find Joey so we could end all of this...I hope no one else has fallen victim to Alice or Susie. I hope they are okay.

I let out a deep exhale before I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling from the soft bed that I was laying on; I was in a safe house of some kind that Boris had. After Henry and I got away from Bendy, we ran into Boris, the Real Boris I would think; it would seem that the one we saw in the main room was a clone of him but even if it was a clone, why did it look like his insides were ripped from his body? What took them and were we at risk of being next? My thoughts were interrupted by a tightness in my chest, I sat up on the bed and gave my chest a few light pounds before I let out a cough; what was up with me? Was I getting sick? That didn't seem very likely but I guess anything is possible. Just then, I heard another voice coming from the other room.

"Hey Y/N, you awake? I heard that cough, it sounds pretty bad," called Henry.

"Don't worry, Henry; I'm alright. I might just be the air around here with all of this ink around." I said as I lept to my feet and grabbed my satchel before I walked from the bedding area and headed to the other room. I'm guessing that this room was like the Living Room of the Safe House: It had a casual wooden table with three chairs, a stove in the corner and a few cabinets around but not much else but just enough to survive I guess.

Henry and Boris were sitting at the table and, from the looks of it, they were playing cards. I walked over to them and sat in the other chair. The tip of my tail sat on the floor and just waved lightly side to side and my ears were moving around in the directions of dripping ink; my friends and I sat in silence for a while before our Ink Made Friend decided to break it.

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