Missing Syringe

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(Wulf and Taz are on the way to Amaterasu's Office to find the Next Chapter Script)

Wulf (Raises an eyebrow): Do you get the feeling that we shouldn't be going to get that chapter script?

Taz: No. What are you talking about, Wulf?

Wulf: Okay, don't get me wrong; I trust our Pack Leader but something is telling me that she is up to something.

???: Yeah, that's me.

(Wulf and Taz look around to see who just said that)

???: I'm up here.

(The two of them look up and sees a ghost)

Wulf: Who are you?

Ghost: Name's Poohdemaple but my friends call me 'Pooh'.

Taz: What are you doing here and why are you a ghost?

Pooh: (Shrugs): Don't know. I'm a Ghost; I just wander around.

Wulf: That doesn't answer our question.

Pooh: Wasn't supposed to. (Floats off to the ceiling)

Wulf: Hey! Wait! We're not done talking to you.

Pooh: Well, I'm done talking to you.

Wulf and Taz: Jerk Ghost. 

(The Two of them return to their quest)

(Quick Note: Poohdemaple is another good friend of mine. He also writes a lot of funny comments for my chapter that always seem to make me laugh; just like Wulf, Taz and a few others do.)

(Warning: This Will Be A Short Chapter! I Repeat! This Will Be A Short Chapter!)


(Boris' Safehouse - No One's Point of View - Main Room)

Angelia and Y/N had recently awakened from their small nap and were ready for the journey to their freedom from the hell-hole that was Joey Drew Studios; when they woke up, Bendy explained the plan to them: There is a staircase that leads to the first floor and, from what Angelia has told them, the hole that Henry and Y/N first fell through is no longer there. The staircase was at the end of the hallway in Residental Resting Area (Where the employees stayed when they needed to sleep/Their Rooms), but the only problem was that the Residental Area was in Alice's Territory. Y/N wasn't too happy that the only way out was through the land of the one who caused her so much pain during her time here, but she was determined to get there; for this nightmare to end forever, she needed to be strong. Not just for herself but also for her pack members and her new mate.

"Before we leave this room, is there anything that needs to be said?" Bendy asked everyone.

"I have something. I don't want you or Boris to stay here any longer than you've already have; I want to the two if you to come live with me in my condo but I need  to know if there is anything that we need to take from the Ink Machine or anywhere else to make sure that you two don't melt away." Henry asked as he gripped in the metal pipe tight in his hand; Boris and Bendy went out to look for weapons for Angelia and Henry, they managed to find a metal pipe for Henry and an ax for Angelia.

"No, Dad. When we were created perfect, we didn't need anything else to maintain our solid form; the only thing you need to know is that our emotions tend to cause our bodies to waver sometimes." Bendy explained.

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