Nani?! Tagged Once Again!

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Amaterasu (Exhales): It would seem that I have been tagged once again, My Fellow Readers; but this time, it was my good friend nekolunasan that has sent me this calling card. Very well, I accept your challenge.

Poohdemaple (From a Distance): Not like you had a choice in the first place!

Amaterasu: Gah! He's right. Anyway, let's begin.

1. My Favorite Song is Angel with a Shotgun.

2. I don't think it would be classified as a sport but I am extremely interested in Karate.

3. My Favorite Band would have to be Three Days Grace.

4. My Favorite Show...Hm...I guess I could say that it would be Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.

5. I love any kind of Tyler Perry Production, it's just so funny but if I had to pick my favorite, it would be Madea Goes To Jail (The Movie)

6. My Favorite color is Black or Dark Blue.

7. I'm carnivorous, so I love Red Meat.

8. I love to drink tea. Lemon Tea to be exact.

9. Since I am a Gamer, I love all kinds of games but the one I love to play the most would have to be Skyrim V: Elder Scrolls (Special Edition)

10: Let me think...Who should I tag?







Amaterasu (Shrugs): That's all the people I can think of tagging right now. Besides, I already tagged Wulf and Taz; that was funny. Later everyone! (Disappears)

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