Chapter 17 : Back (HOME SWEET HOME)

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Long and winding road
I'm on my way
I'm on my way
Home sweet home

Motley Crue


I was staring at the clouds for 20 minutes now. From down there I always felt how magnificent view it would be to fly among the clouds. But now that I'm up here, let's get this thing straight.

It's. Too. Boring.

I mean, you like it for the first hour. But the rest of the nine hours? It's a pain in the arse.

And the last-couple-of-days-activities didn't help getting peace at mind, either. I'm not going to blabber. Our trip was cut short.


C-U-T S-H-O-R-T !!!!

To say that I was sad, would be an understatement . A huge, big, massive understatement. I could kill anyone right now. I really just needed to get back to Michigan and hit the gym. A few punches and getting myself tired would be like a therapy .

Liam's secretary called and informed him that about a million dollars were robbed from his main company. He was greatly pissed. He kept talking on and on ,on the phone. I was having a headache since the past one hour. Just because a company was robbed , that's not even mine, I had to let go of the tropical island. I already missed the sandy winds and coconut stalls of the roads. They did give me an eye sore when we were there, but now I greatly missed them.

" I don't care Marcus! Dig deep and get to know who was involved. It has to be someone from inside the company. It just has to. ", he barked on the phone.

I flinched at his tone. I've never heard him talk like this. I seen him hiss in anger, grit in anger. But never yell in anger.

I tried maintaining my composure and looked outside. Probably I should count clouds. Seriously Ashley? Count clouds? I sighed loudly and went up to the kitchen.

I came back with a water bottle in my hand and saw Liam was sitting with his eyes closed and massaging his temple. This may be the first time I felt really bad for him in our trip.
I was having an inner dilemma of whether I should go and massage it for him. Probably I shouldn't. I mean, it would be awkward. In the past, whenever he had a bad day ,he'd come to me, lay down on my lap and I used to massage his temples and shoulders. I wonder if he remembers.

Before I could even comprehend, I was walking towards him and my hands were already on his shoulders. He opened his eyes and looked into my eyes. He was shocked by my action. We were on the same page, cause I was too.

Neither of us talked. We were just looking at each other while my hand did it's work skillfully. It was like we were having a staring competition.
As I pressed the back of his neck with my finger tips, he let out a moan followed by a sigh.

My eyes widened in realisation. What the heck was I doing?!
His faced mimicked mine and I blushed deep red. Awkwardly getting up I kept the water bottle right before him and walked towards my seat.

I felt a firm grip on my wrist and turned back to face Liam. But I quickly dropped my gaze and looked at my feet.

Oh look, I have toes . Let's count them.

He got up and pulled me along with him. I stared at confusion at the back of his head.

" Liam", I said. But it was barely a whisper. We entered the bedroom that was cleanly made already. My back ached to rest on it. Liam motioned me to sit on the bed. I hesitantly walked and sat. I had no idea what was on his mind. My ears were heating up faster than the rap speed of Eminem. I looked at my hands and played with my engagement ring.

I felt the side of the bed dip and suddenly a head was on my lap. Realisation hit me like a truck. Liam was sleeping on my lap. Just like..... old times. So he...... remembers?

I slowly put my hands on his head and massaged his head. His every bone was below my finger tips . I got goosebumps just by touching his head and the contours of the face.
His eyes were closed and I thanked God for that. Cause I don't think I could handle those brown eyes anymore. They make me weak in knees, still.

Reminiscing about the past, brought tears to my eyes. How beautiful times were, how happy we were, how alive I was. But every story was a turn, has a twist. I shook my head as if to stop myself from thinking about it.

He stirred a bit and I realised that I had stopped massaging him. We stayed like that for how long I don't know. My eyes too drooped a bit and I leaned back with Liam's head on my lap.
I woke up to a loud beeping noise from afar. Slowly opening my eyes I looked around me. Shifting my hands on my lap, I didn't find what I was looking for. Did he wake up already?
It was 10 p. m. and I guess we are landing now.

Making my way to the central area I found him on his laptop. His eyes met my face, but immediately dropped. As if his eyes burned just by the sight of me.

Here we go again. Back to the being arrogant jerk. I felt a light drop in my heart. I felt so foolish. Like a fool to give in. How could I be so vulnerable?

Shaking my head I went to my seat and belted myself up.

We landed in twenty minutes. We bid our goodbyes and headed for home. Liam's driver was already waiting for us. We hadn't talked at all. I feel like he was regretting it. Just the thought of it, made me sad. But I shouldn't feel this way, right?



Fine, if he doesn't want to talk to me, I won't talk with him either. Its not like I'm dying to talk with him.


The car ride was annoying as hell. The tension was so thick that it could've been possible to cut it with a knife. Nevertheless, I reached home safely and quick.  I sprang outside first and grabbed my suitcase.
" It's okay ma'am. I'll take it. " , Liam's driver said.

Well, I was tired anyway and all I wanted was to get inside my house and have a long warm shower. So I just smiled, " Thanks...."

" George, ma'am. "

" Thanks, George. ", I smiled again.
Liam was still inside and was looking the other way. I guess he was shocked by his previous actions too. I couldn't disagree.
After two years, suddenly you get on the lap of your ex and act like everything's cool? Especially after.....

I sighed heavily as I rang the bell. My mom opened the door and hugged me close. I smelled her hair and felt at peace. Mothers will always be mothers no matter how much daughters and mothers fight.

"How was your trip? "

"Okay. do you know we will come back early? ",I was confused.

" Liam's father told about it to Harry. He's at their company now. He'll return late. You don't worry yourself, hon, go freshen up. I'll prepare your favourite dinner. "

I guess she thought that I was unhappy that the trip with my fiance ended. Actually, I was more than elated. Less I see him, better it is.

I turned the knob of my door and a familiar scent hit my nose. The scent of my room.

Home sweet home.


I know, I know. I wasn't supposed to update until end September.


This was like a thank you update for 500+ views.
I might not be a big deal for some, but it is for me.

So, my lovely readers, here's chapter 17 for you. Ignore if there's any error cause I really don't have time to edit today.

See you end September 💖
Love you,
Candy ❤❤

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