Andrew | The Queen Mary | Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"You're a strong little thing aren't you." 'You' brush the tears from your face. "But weak at the same time. Hm."

You look at the group of cowering people and smile. "So..." You bounce slightly on you feet.

"Get out of them!" Shane tried. With inhuman speed, you appear in front of him a hand on his throat. He coughs and chokes. The others are shouting but the thing inside has locked you away in your head.

"Make. Me." The entity growls, lifting Shane from the ground slightly. He kicks his legs and sputters.

"I'm so sorry." Garrett cries, before hitting you with something, knocking you to the ground.

Shane falls to the ground, couching and gripping at his neck. He scrambles away from you when you start to move. Ryland rushes over to help his boyfriend. Morgan moves with her brother to cower behind him. Garrett and Andrew are both crying at this point. You groan and roll onto your back. You look up at Garrett and sob.

"I'm sorry too." You whisper. The light in your eyes dies fades and body going limp for a few moments before it begins to shake.

A demonic cackle erupts in the quiet room and you're sitting up. "Is that the best you can do?" You flick a hand in your brother's direction and Garrett flies backwards. He hits the wall and slumps down.

You turn slowly, a satisfied smirk on your face. You look at the cowering group on the floor. You go to advance towards them but you stop mid step. You turn your head slowly to your crying boyfriend.

"I'll save you for last..." You turn back to the others. "...Who wants to go first?"

You walk over to Morgan. She shrinks away from you. Shane pushes himself in front of the siblings. He's still rubbing at his neck but he trying to look unfazed.

"You're back for seconds? How nice." You reach out and grab his hair this time, crouching and pulling him up so he's inches away from face.

"I won't hurt you Y/N." He whispers. "Just please, I know you're in there. I know you don't want this. You can do anything to me, just leave them alone."

"Nice speech, really, but Y/N isn't here."

Andrew stands frozen unable to move. He watches as you move to slam Shane's head into your knee. Shane's eyes are squeezed shut. Ryland and Morgan are clinging to each other, crying. Andrew braces for an impact, but one never comes.

You were shaking, mumbling apologies. Shane cracks an eye to look up at you. You crash to your knees. You jump on him, scrambling for an anchor.

"Help me, help me, help me."

Shane wraps is arms around you hesitantly. You're panting, whispering incoherently. Andrew seems to unfreeze. He runs over and drops down behind you. He wraps you up in his arms. He nods at Shane and Shane seems to understand they hold you tighter, whispering encouragement.

"Fight, sweetheart. You can do it." 

You throw your head back. "I can't help me, help me please!" You sob.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Ryland and Morgan share a look and shuffle over. They join the huddle. You begin to shake and you struggle against the arms around you.

"Get off! Get off! GET OFF!" You scream, voice deep and distorted.

Suddenly, a fifth pair of arms wraps around you and the group. You scream again, louder than last time. You shake for a few moments before you go limp, panting. A black mist stand over you and the group.

"You aren't worth the trouble," He disappears.

You are panting on the floor, looking around. Everyone is frightened. Your eyes close and sob. You shove everyone away from you, distancing yourself. You crawl into a corner. You curl in on yourself in a attempt to make yourself smaller.

"I'm sorry." You whisper like it's your mantra.

Five drawn out minutes and Andrew drops to his knees again. He attempts to pick you up, but you scramble away from him.

"I don't want to hurt you," You whisper, looking at poor Shane. You make eye contact with him and turn your head away quickly.

"You won't hurt me."

"Look at Shane. Look at all of them. They're scared of me."

"You didn't hurt anyone. That wasn't you."

"I saw everything, it was me."

Garrett drops down too. "Munchkin..."

You look between the two. They look so heart broken. You sob, lunging into Andrew's arms. Everyone joins in again, wrapping you up in their arms. 

"We forgive you. Even though none of this was your fault." Shane manages to press a kiss to your head. 

"Shane." You whimper. You reach out an run a hand over the dark bruises on his neck. "I'm so sorry."

"It wasn't your fault. It's just a bruise, it will heal."

"I'm so sorry."

"You're safe now, Y/N." Ryland murmurs.

"We'll get you all the sack you want. It'll be okay." Morgan added.

"You have us."

"You're safe."

"We're okay."

"It's over."

You sob at the words. "I don't deserve you guys."

"Yes you do. You deserve everything and more." 

You sniffle. "Thank you. For helping me. Even after what I did."

"Hush, munchkin." You feel a large hand in your hair. You hum and snuggle into your friends.

"Are we leaving?" You ask after a few minutes.

"If you want to." You felt the group hug braking apart. You crack an eye and see just how messy the room is. You feel bad, you're tired, and just need a nap.

"Can we have a sleep over?" You asked shyly. "It was you guys that helped me get rid of that asshole. If we stick together maybe we'll be able to sleep until morning without someone getting possessed."

"Are you sure? We can leave."

You shrug. "I doesn't matter to me, but I'm tired."

"Sleepover it is. I have a feeling we won't be seeing anymore possessions tonight."


Although it was an extremely bad Idea, you all stayed until morning, crammed onto the same bed. In the morning, you got the fuck out of there. You went to Chipotle for breakfast and the group did their best to show you that they were not mad at you. You appreciated that they weren't bringing up the events last night. Things went back to normal for the most part and that's all you could ask for.

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