Aragorn- Savior pt. 1

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"No! Please, let me go! I'll give you all the money you want, just don't hurt me! Stop!"

No matter how much you cried and attempted to buy yourself out of this mess, these street thugs didn't pay your words any attention. To make the situation worse, the plundering rain kept anyone from hearing your pleas for help. 

"My father will know of this!" you threatened. "He is a noble and has a search party looking for me right now! He'll kill you all!"

The last three statements were all fibs. You were orphaned, been living out in the dangerous, vast world since you were a young teenager. If only you were male, you wouldn't be facing this situation. It was different when you were younger, still flat chested and thin. Now you were a grown woman, and your feminine form made you an easy target for savage men such as these. 

Now, normally you were armed with a small blade or two. It just so happened that you had been robbed during your sleep on the side of the road this morning when you first entered this poor settlement. You always avoided coming here to Bree, but with rumors of legendary ring wraiths around and storms from the south, you knew it would be worth the little coin you had to rent a bed under a roof for as long as you could. You had already been proven wrong once, now twice.

"Let me go!" you shouted. You managed to shrug one of them off, but another took a tight hold on you arm and pulled you back into the small cluster of barbarians. How many were there? You couldn't tell, it was too dark and they were all in dark capes. There seemed to be at least three, maybe four.

You continued to squirm despite desperately wanting to give up. Eventually, you were kicked in the back of the knee, causing you to lose your footing and be dragged by the anonymous enemies. They had been pulling you for a long time now. Wherever they were taking you, they had to be getting close by now. 

As each second passed, so did the hopes of your future. These men would certainly rape you and likely kill you when they were done. You think you've began to shed tears, but with the rain, you couldn't be sure. 

Suddenly there was a sound of a punch and a body fall to the ground with a splash. One of the two men holding you let go to join the fight. Another sound of defeat followed. And another. The sound of a blade impaling a living body seemed to be right next to your left ear. The hand that once gripped your neck went loose and the body collapsed. 

You weren't sure if this marauder was your hero or a new threat. You didn't really want to find out, so you avoided the sight of him. As soon as you found yourself free of another's touch, you turned around and ran as fast as you could in no particular direction. You heard the man's feet splashing in the puddles behind you.

"Wait!" he cried desperately. "I mean you no harm, I promise!"

You shook the thought of someone ever wanting to help you out of your head and set your legs into autopilot, sprinting anywhere to get rid of this pestering stranger. You yelped with fear when you felt two strong hands grip you by the shoulders and spin you around. They held you still in one place. Again, you wiggled and shoved. Your were exhausted and sore, but even in this state, you refused to give in. You kept your eyes shut and blindly swung your leg upward, hoping you hit the desired target. From the pained moan and retraction of hands, you assumed you did. 

Too fast to be fortunate, you spun around to flee. You then tripped over your own foot and fell face-first into a puddle. The voice of your attacker continued as you tried to get up.

"No, don't go," he begged. "It's not safe. You shouldn't be out here alone."

"Who says I'm alone?" you tried to say with false courage. At last, you opened your eyes to examine this man. He was hooded, therefore you couldn't see his face, but he was strong and tall with chocolate locks that dripped with water. 

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