
I'm technically an adult but I don't agree with why the others are so upset about Carl having a gun on him...is it cause I don't have a kid that I don't understand? As I debated this I sat next to Carl who had just gone through a lecturing at the hands of Lori,his usually annoying cranky mother, I'm just upset cause she blamed me for him grabbing a gun. Maybe you should blame yourself Lori,or is that magically not an option. I sighed as I felt Carl lean into my side to which I wrapped an arm around his shoulder,"Sorry Carl,"I whispered.

"How the hell did this happen?"

I looked over at Lori,Rick,Shane and Dale who seemed to be the ones currently in the conversation of why and how Carl got a gun. Aren't all the guns in the RV? He could have just easily grabbed one, "Well it's my fault, I let him into the RV." Ha! Called it. With a small frown on his face Dale continued,"He said he wanted a walkie, that you sent him for one?"

Rick looked down with a sigh as Lori stared at Dale,"So on top of everything else, he lied?" Carl looked over at his mom, she quickly looked over at him causing him to stare back at the floor,"What is he thinking."

With a sigh I spoke, accidentally at the same time as Shane causing us to both look at each other with raised eyebrows,"He wants to learn how to shoot." I motioned for Shane to continue, I rather stay in silence right now,"He asked me to teach him, and I know now it's none of my business but I'm happy to do it. It's your call."

Lori instantly shook her head before giving an awkward laugh,"Well I'm not comfortable with it." Rick looked at her,while Shane motioned his head towards her,it was clear to me what they thought. They both see that Carl needs to learn, but Lori is...ugh. I rolled my eyes as she realized why the other two had gone silent,"Oh, don't make me out to be the unreasonable one here." When Shane just looked away Lori looked over at her husband,"Rick?"

"I know, I have my concern too but-"

"There's no but, Rick, he was just shot! He is just back on his feet and he wants a gun?"

"Better than him being afraid of em.There are guns in camp for a reasons, he should at the very least learn how to handle them safely,"I nodded in agreement with what Rick was saying,gotta say I respect the daddy of the group.

"I don't want my kid walking around with a gun." "But how can you defend that? You can't let him go around without protection."

"He's as safe as he'll ever be right here." B*tch. "Look, everything you're saying makes perfect sense,it feels wrong though. I mean, I didn't feel good about him following you out into the woods and look what happened. I wish I'd said something, and I should have gone with my gut then." I totally forgot that I wasn't around when Carl first got shot, I wonder how bad it was. I'm actually surprised Carl isn't traumatized by having been shot.

Rick sighed and leaned closer to Lori,"He's growing up,thank god, but we've got to start treating him more like an adult-" "Then he needs to act like one,he's not mature enough to handle a gun!"

"Lori." She instantly looked over to me and Carl,"You're against him using a gun, but you admit he needs to learn to protect himself." She nodded slowly so I continued,"Would you be okay with me teaching him to use knives and my crossbow before working his way up to using an actual gun."

Before Lori could respond to my recommendation Carl left my side and walked over to his mom,"I'm not gonna play with the gun mom, it's not a toy." With a smile I stood up and walked over to Carl,"I'm sorry I disappointed you,but I wanna look for Sophia and I want to defend our camp.I can't do that without a gun or a weapon. Please let Shane and Y/N teach me."

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