•Part 23•

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I woke up aching all over but the view in front of me made me heart melt. Annie sat up straight against the wall asleep as Mitchell lay with his head on her lap also asleep.

"Welcome back little sis," I looked up to see my older brother holding my son in his arms, a wide grin across his face.

"Max," I smiled at him.

I hadn't seen Max for way over a year as he'd been away fighting for our country. It broke me when he left as we'd always been close but nothing made me happier than seeing him happy which made me realise that I had to let him do what he needed to do.

"Aren't these two quite the pair," he chuckled, referring to Mitch and Annie.

"I've missed you," I reached up to touch his familiar face.

"As soon as I heard you were in hospital I came straight here, I didn't expect this little fella though," he rocked my son in his arms.

"Is he okay?" I stroked my son's soft cheek.

"The nurse told me that he's underweight but he'll soon fatten up," he took a seat beside me.

"Where's the lucky man?" He smirked.

"Right there," I looked at Mitch and then Max looked too.

"He looks about eighteen," Max joked.

"He's seventeen," I corrected him and then looked down at the floor awkwardly.

"Let me guess, a student of yours," he raised a brow.

"Don't hate me," I avoided making eye contact with him.

"I could never hate you baby sis, as long as he looks after you," he put my baby into a baby basket and then kissed my forehead.

"Liz," Mitchell's eyes slowly opened and he stood up. "You're awake."

"As if!" You could hear Annie's screech from miles away. "Max!"

"I'm okay An, thanks for noticing," I laughed at Annie over how excited she was to see Max.

"I'm glad baby, but looks it's Max!" She kissed my cheek but ran straight back over to Max and jumped into his arms.

"Oh I say, it's Annie," he hugged her back.

"I missed you maxy moo," she pulled his arm so it went around her shoulders.

"I'm so happy you're okay," Mitch regained my attention.

"I'm sorry it didn't go as planned," I moaned. "I know you wanted to be there."

"You're both here that's all that matters," he picked up our baby from the baby basket and placed him in my arms.

"We've not even thought of a name yet," I held my baby's tiny hand.

"Liam, Leo, tom, Elliot?" Mitch gave some suggestions.

""How about Leo?" Max walked over to the bed, Annie linked to his arm.

"Leo," I repeated the name in my head and aloud. "It suits him."

"Little Leo, I like it," Mitch smiled down at our son and then at me.

"Leo it is," I kissed my son's head.

"Max, by the way, Liz's big brother, " Max held his hand out to Mitch.

"Mitchell," Mitch shook his hand.

"I trust that you'll take good care of them mate so don't prove me wrong," Max patted Mitch's shoulder.

"Hello Leo, it's Auntie An An," Annie gently picked up Leo out of my arms after he started to cry and she spun him around slowly.

"Who knew she'd become so grown up," Max whispered.

"She spent her childhood thinking you were her Prince Charming, no wonder she couldn't grow up," I elbowed him.

"Now that she's older though," he winked.

"She's -" I began.

"The doctor said I could come in," Zack interrupted me.

"Hey Hun," I waved my hand to signal for him to come in.

"You never told me we were pregnant," Zack put his arm around Annie's waist as she rocked Leo to sleep.

"One day," Annie kissed Zack's cheek.

"I was trying to tell you," I nudged Max who was watching Annie and Zack.

"She's too young for me anyway," Max whispered.

"I love you Max, you'll find someone one day," I assured him.

"Thank you," he touched my hand.

"I've got everyone I'll ever need in here," I looked at everyone. "Thank you for helping me get through."

Hand in hand, Mitchell and I entered the birth registry office.

"The mother's name?" The woman at reception asked.

"Elizabeth Hamilton," I smiled.

"The father's name?" She looked at Mitch

"Mitchell Cobes," he replied.

"And the child's full name?" She smiled.

"Leo Maxwell Cobes," we spoke in sync.

"Congratulations," she handed us the important document confirming our son's name, date of birth and everything to know about him including his weight and the time he was born.

"Things can only get better from now on," Mitch put his arm around me as he pushed the pram carrying our son.

"I've got you with me, of course it will," I leaned into him closer.


Finally reached the end!! Hope you've enjoyed this book, I have :) When I can, I may add a second part to this book, who knows¿

Thanks again x :))

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