•Part 4•

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My head felt as if it was being stood on by elephants.

Going out with Annie last night was the worst mistake. I didn't even know where Annie went in the end.

My life consisted of working, even at home. Today wasn't my day, I didn't care. Honestly, when was it ever my day?

I threw on my fitness leggings and my sports bra. I had to take over the football class again this morning, wasn't like I'd do much but why not make the effort.

As well as, I threw my black skirt, which was shorter than my normal work skirt, and a white  blouse into my bag to change into after sport.

I hesitantly got into my car and drove to school.

As I walked through the corridor for once there were no rude comments made, just beady eyes everywhere looking at me which I took no notice of.


"I'll be out in a minute guys, go and warm up!" Mitchell shouted at his mates and they again jogged off onto the pitched.

"How are you?" He walked towards me and raised my arm so he could see my hand.

"Fine. Just go and train," I walked away from him.

"Miss, come on," he came running towards me.

"Mitchell, go and warm up with your team mates please. I won't ask you again," I took a seat on the side of the pitch.

"Whatever you say but I'll be back," he replied.

"No you won't," he muttered to myself.

As bad as the morning had already been, watching the boys play football made time pause. I loved sport nearly as much as I loved teaching, just watching younger people playing made anything seem possible.

"What on earth was that!" A shout burst my thought bubble, I could see the football fly through the sky, off the pitch and towards me.

"I've got it!" I called to the boys and whacked It back so it rolled back towards them.

"Shit," I pulled my hand back, realising I had hit the ball with my bad hand.

Putting on a brave face, I looked back up to watch the end of the game.


For the next three lessons I had the younger students which was a major relief, I couldn't handle anything worst from the day I had.

The last lesson of the day however, my most immature class, set 2e.

"Were gonna win, we're gonna win!" I heard chants coming towards the room and it was obvious who it was as Mitchell and his group of lads took their seats in my class.

"Today you can all write about something you love. It will only be seen by you and myself so feel free to do whatever. You've got the whole lesson," I gave the class freedom, the girls in the class got straight to it, probably writing about their boyfriends or their celebrity crushes. Whereas the boys, they looked at each other with blank faces.

"I love my girlfriend because she gives good blowjobs," Archie made a sarky comment.

"Archie, you've got a pen and paper in front of you so do it," I rolled my eyes.

"I've also got you in front of me, doesn't mean I'll do you," he smirked.

"Do your work Archie," I muttered.

The fact a teenager could say something that rude to his teacher disgusted me. My job was too important to me though, why cause trouble over something so pointless.

"I ain't doing this," I heard a moan before a pen  was thrown across the floor, a piece of paper was teared and Mitchell's messy mop of hair was spread out across the table.

"Mitchell," I stood up and waited for him to look up at me.

But there was no response.

"Mitchell, outside please," I walked closer to his desk.

"Fuck off and leave me alone," he grumbled, I heard but chose to ignore him and instead collected in all of the paper from everyone's desks.

"You have three minutes exactly until the end of the day so get your things together and put it into your lockers, see you tomorrow guys!" I waved off all of the students bar one.

"I just said you can go," I put my hands down onto Mitchell's desk.

"I'm in detention," I heard him speak quietly.

"No you're not," I frowned.

At that moment, the original sports teacher entered the room.

"Again Mitch, how disappointing," he tutted.

"You can fuck off an all," Mitchell lifted his head up for the first time in the past hour, his face was red from where his head was on the table.

"Think about all the time you could be spending working out and prepping for the game instead of sitting here in this stuffy room everyday," he moaned.

"Good idea, I'll workout with Mrs H then," Mitchell muffled through his arm which was over his face again.

"He will?" I replied, not sure what was going on.

"Wonderful!" The coach clapped his hands and left.

"What have I just agreed to?" I tapped Mitch's shoulder.

"Helping me train," Mitch looked up, his eyes stared directly into mine before he put his head back down.

"Well I've got places to be so have fun," I laughed and grabbed my handbag off the floor.

"Wait!" Mitch shouted and followed me out of the door.

"Yes Mitchell What can I do for you?" I turned back to look at him but his eyes were elsewhere.

"Oh um," he mumbled.

"I'll pretend I didn't see that," I tied my coat around my waist to cover everything that Mitch was laying his eyes on.

"Meet me at the gym across the bridge in ten," he sped up his walking pace to talk and then started to run down the road.

What have I agreed to?


Teaching Becomes TortureWhere stories live. Discover now