•Part 22•

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It had been 6 hours since Mitchell got onto the bus and already things were going wrong.

"Elizabeth, your baby still has a heart beat," I flopped back down onto the bed after hearing this.

"But-" I mumbled, I'd presumed the worst which wasn't the case.

"We do however to deliver your baby as soon as possible," the specialist informed me. "Otherwise we could loose him."

"Zack, I'm scared," I turned straight to Zack who still had hold of my hand and was taking in everything that all the doctors were saying.

"Don't be scared, you've got this," he squeezed my hand tightly.

"I've got this," I nodded as the doctors pushed my trolley down a long corridor and through multiple doors.

"Baby!" I heard a scream from behind and looked up to see Annie standing over me.

"He has to come early," I reached up to grab Annie's hand.

"I know, I know," she held my hand by her cheek as she followed alongside the trolley.

"You've got this," Zack touched both of our arms before stopping behind the last door.

"I've tried to call Mitchell but he's not picking up," She wiped her falling tear.

"Come with me," I begged her.

"I've informed Mitch's coach so hopefully Mitch should be here soon," she told me.

"I want you to come in with me," I insisted.

"Is that allowed?" Annie looked across at the doctor.

"Put this on," she handed Annie a blue hat, a mask and an apron looking thing.

"We've got this," she grabbed my hand again after throwing the apron over her head, the mask over her mouth and the hat onto her head.

"In three you'll feel numb, three, two, one," A nurse smiled at me as she inserted some type of fluid into me.

"Let me know if anything changes with her," the specialist looked across at Annie who then nodded.

"I thought I was in labour, I was in pain," I looked up at the nurse for answers.

"As we've been told by your midwife, your baby is growing rather slowly and is much smaller than most babies at this stage," she explained.

"Scissors please," the specialist took the specific scissors out of another nurses hand and did something behind the curtain which blocked our view from everything she was doing.

"Quick!" The nurse rushed across the room from the specialist over to a small table.

"What's happening?" I tried to look around but I couldn't see the other nurse.

"Be patient with us," the nurse standing by my side gave me a friendly smile.

Those silent minutes felt like torture, I'd never been through anything so terrifying.

"He's okay," the specialist came back in view.

"I need to see him," I tried to sit up.

"Here we go," the nurse came towards us holding my beautiful baby boy who had a strong pair of lungs on him.

"Hello little man," I watched as Annie held him in her arms.

"There's Mummy," Annie stood up so I could see him.

"We need to take him to do some tests," the nurse held her arms out.

"Go with him An," I insisted and she nodded.


~~~~~~~~~~Annie's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~

"Annie, I came as soon as I heard, where is she?" I heard Mitchell's voice from behind me.

"I told you he'd come and see you," I spoke in a high pitched voice and turned around to look at Mitch with his baby in my arms.

"Is that?" He stepped closer.

"Here's daddy," I gently placed him into Mitch's arms.

"Hey there," he sat down on a chair, playing with his son's tiny fingers and toes.

"They has to do a C section," I revealed.

"Where's Liz?" Mitch looked up at me, wide eyed.

"As they were closing her up she began to bleed from her lady parts," I just about managed to hide my tears as I told him the bad news.

"I need to see her," he handed his baby back to me and left the room quickly.

"Mitch!" I shouted him. "She's in theatre."

"Shit," his back hit the wall and he fell to the floor.

"We just need to wait," I sat beside him on the floor, his son in my arms fast asleep.

"Annie," the specialist pushed the door open and signed for me to follow her.

"Is she okay?" I asked her, As myself and Mitch followed behind.

"She's out of the danger zone but she's still unconscious," she pointed to the corner room.

"Liz!" Mitch charged past everyone and into the room.

"If you talk to her, she might hear you," the nurse smiled before leaving us to have some alone time with Liz.

"Our baby boy is here," Mitch looked across at him and then back at Liz.

"Take as long as you need baby, we'll be here waiting for you," I smiled to myself.

"I love you Miss Hamilton," Mitch put his head against Liz's.

It would've been a perfect moment for Liz to wake up. But she didn't...


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