•Part 7•

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"Right, So you're on the sofa, you've got the remote, food and plenty of drink," Mitch helped me settle back in.

"I can look after myself, I only cut my hand, they said it'll be fine after a day or two," I mumbled over his over exaggeration.

"Whatever you say," he replied, heading towards the door.

"See you back at school," i waved him off.

"You will," he turned back around and frowned at me.

"You do know your pyjama top is the wrong way round," he couldn't stop laughing.

"I'll sort it," I tutted at him and wriggled around a little to try and pull my arms from the sleeves.

"Let me help you," Mitch came closer and pulled the top over my head.

"Mitch, uhmmm," I mumbled at him.

"Mhm," he mumbled back, his eyes were scanning my body.

"My top," I managed to get his attention.

"Oh right yeah," I could see him biting his lip as he turned the top the right way around. " I think it would look much better on me."

"Mitch seriously, you need to go home you've got school tomorrow," I reached over to grab him but he was too quick and ran into the bathroom.

"Oh yes," he reappeared with my bunny pyjama top on him.

"That doesn't suit you at all," I grabbed hold of his hand and pulled him closer in order to try and reclaim my top.

"Here," he pulled it over his head, revealing his perfect muscles and tanned skin. "My head's stuck."

"Oh yeah," I couldn't take my eyes off him.

"No seriously, I'm stuck," he shook his head trying to pull it off.

"Yeah you really need that off right now," I assisted him with my good hand.

"Come on!" He tugged my top a final time and it came off of his head and into his hands.

"Here," he put the now looser top over my head and onto my body.

"Mitchell," I looked up at him, catching him as he was looking at my hand.

"Yeah," he looked back up at me.

"It wasn't your fault," I reached up and stroked his cheek.

"I need to put my top back on," he changed the subject, reaching across me for his top which was on the floor.

Without thinking, I placed my hand onto his perfectly formed six pack.

"Ness I know you're fascinated by it but just a single touch makes me, you know," he pushed my hand away.

"Ness!" He chuckled as I pushed him back onto the sofa.

"You really think I'm fascinated by it?" I kneeled up on the sofa so I was looking down at his resting body.

"Yeah?" He asked, not knowing what the right or wrong answer was.

His eyes followed my hand as I lifted it up and placed it on his knee. I slowly travelled down his leg and onto his stomach where I teased him, trailing my finger from either of his nipples to his v line.

"Fuck," he threw his head back on the cushion of the sofa.

I pushed his legs down so there was one either side of me and I sat in between his legs.

"I'm your teacher," I sat up, realising what I was doing.

"Ness, I honestly couldn't give a fuck," Mitch raised his arms and cradled my cheeks.

Knowing that this is what I wanted, I began to plant kisses across Mitch's stomach and then up to his neck where I happily spent a lot of time bruising him.

"I want you," Mitch's hands slightly moved down my trousers where he then began fiddling with the lace on my underwear.

I took Mitch's hand and positioned it onto my thigh. His opposite hand was quick to follow and held my other thigh. He looked at me, I hadn't seen him like this before, I pulled my top back over my head and leaned forward so my body grew closer to him.

Our lips crashed together as we fought to remove each other's underwear. Finally we were done, Mitchell placed his thumbs onto my nipples and licked his lips, he kept his eyes on the prize possessions as he got into position.

Neither of us could find words to say next, Mitchell placed his hands onto my waist as he pushed himself into me.

"Fuck me," I took hold of Mitchell's hair and tugged it as he rammed his huge package into me.

Mitchell stayed quiet at first as he fucked me until he broke the silence with an almighty groan.

"Yes!" His pace slowed down and he moved his hands down my body to take over.

He adjusted himself so we were led side by side.

"Yes!" I moaned back at him, his two fingers were adventuring my downstairs.

"That's what I thought," he went deeper.

"I'm going to," I began to speak but I was too late as I released onto his fingers.

"I've got it all under control," he put the finger from his opposite hand over my mouth as a signal for me to be quiet.

The next half an hour consisted of Mitch giving love to my entire body.


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