•Part 3•

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I wore a tight red dress with heels which were so high I could barely walk, my hair was in tight curls and I had a full face of makeup.

"Two vodka and cokes please," I politely spoke to the barman.

Yes it was a school night and no I hadn't thought it through. My best friend Annie who had moved three hours away came back to town for a visit and it would only be right to take her out for a drink, right?

"Woah hun, no!" Annie pushed me away from the bar and whispered something to the barman.

"What have you done?" I asked it as I could see the evil smile which was plastered across her face.

"Shut up and drink it!" She pushed a shot glass towards me once the guy had placed several of them on the table.

"I hate you!" I squealed before downing the shot and pulling multiple faces at how strong the alcohol was.

"Fuck!" I shook my head, laughing.

"I know right!" my bad influence of a best friend followed my lead and took a shot or two herself.

"I'm actually glad we came," I took another shot.

"I wouldn't advise you to drink like that," I heard a familiar voice and looked across to see a familiar face standing and looking at me.

"We can do whatever we want, you're not the boss of us!" Annie pulled a lairy at them, grabbed my arm and pulled me over to a table which was already occupied by four men.

"Room for two petite babes," she perched onto one of the men's laps who didn't complain.

"Of course," the guy raised a brow at his crowd of friends as he held my drunk best friend's waist.

"Come on gorgeous!!" Annie pulled my arm so I fell on top of another guy's lap.

"An!" I blushed a little, embarrassed.

"There's plenty of room babe, don't worry," I was shuffled along on the chair in between two men as Annie stayed seated upon another guys lap.

"What can I get you two lovely ladies?" Annie's personal chair stood up, resulting in her falling beside me.

"The strongest thing they've got," Annie giggled.

"I'll have whatever she's having," I looked at Annie who had already drank way more than the adviser alcohol intake.

"We're so drunk," Annie threw her head onto my shoulder.

"Yes you are," I put my head down onto hers.

"Why don't we go back to my place after this drink," the guy returned with a tray of shots, his offer directed at me and Annie.

"Nah we're good," I turned down his offer.

"Count us in!" Annie drank three of the shots in an instance and budged closer over to the guy.

"Come on then," he grabbed her hand and helped her onto her feet.

"I said we're not going anywhere," I stood up and pulled Annie back towards me.

"And she said she wants to," the guy grew angry.

"Just go!" I shouted at him, I wasn't fully sober myself but I knew that letting her go back with them was a bad idea.

"Whatever," the guy gave me an evil glare and walked towards the exit, Annie was still attached to him.

"Let her go!" I shouted so loud I got the attention of most people in the bar.

"Fuck off!" The guy let go of Annie's hand and pushed me with great power.

My extremely high heels didn't help this matter as I struggled to keep my balance and fell back into the table causing all of the glasses to smash.

"It was all going so well, for God's sake why did you have to ruin it!" Annie screeched at me before chasing after the group of lads who made a quick escape.

My head spun, from the drink and the fact I had just basically been thrown at a table.

"Oh my fuck!" I heard a voice which got closer.

"It's fine, I'm fine." I put my hands down and tried to push myself up.

"No, don't!" I was warned but it was too late as I put my hand down into multiple broken shot glasses.

"Come behind the bar, I'll sort it out," a hand was put around my waist and I was directed through a door and into a lounge room.

"Why are you here Mitch?" I looked at the familiar face from earlier before.

"Just stop talking, it doesn't matter," he avoided the topic and began to wipe my hand with a chemical wipe.

"Fuck!" I whined and pushed his hand away.

"Language Miss," he frowned at me and took my hand into his again.

"It fucking hurts!" I snatched my hand back, I could feel tears fill my eyes.

"Hey," he wiped the tear from my eye gently.

"I'm fine Mitchell just go home," I pulled away.

"Not until I've sorted this," he sighed and crouched down onto the floor so he could get to my hand.

"So I work here every other night, yes I'm underage but my dad got me a job here as he knows the boss because he thinks he's got control over me or something," he explained as he carefully pulled out the glass from my hand with a pair of sanitised tweezers.

"Mitch that's ridiculous," I shook my head in disgust, so intrigued in the conversation I couldn't feel the pain.

"You asked what I was doing here and there it is," he smiled weakly and stood up. "I've called you a taxi, see you tomorrow."

Officially the worst night of my life. I followed Mitch out of the room and back through to the bar, out of the door, into the taxi and home.

My bed felt like heaven. Throwing my head back onto my pillows felt like I was lying on clouds. I really wasn't prepared for the hangover the next morning.



Author's note-
I've not thought of anyone who can play Mitch or anything just yet so for the meantime feel free to vision them as whoever you please.


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