•Part 20•

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It'd been just over three months since I left school and things were beginning to look up.

Mitchell and I had a routine, he took himself to school every morning with his mates on their bikes and then I met him half way after school where we'd talk about our days.

After loosing my job, I'd been called in again for a meeting where I was told there was a very low possibility of myself ever being a teacher again. Those words almost broke me but having felt a living being move inside me made everything worth it.

Rumours were quick to spread around school to which Mitchell put to rest and came out about everything. Out of my surprise, everyone supported him and backed him up when he had to miss classes so he could attend our baby scans.

"Kick the ball! Mitch's friends cheered him on.

"You've got this," I looked up at Mitch who was currently standing behind me.

"Daddy's got this," Mitch put either hand on my stomach as he reached his foot out and kicked the ball.

The ball began to deflate as blue smoke filled the air resulting in screaming and even in some cases, crying.

"It's a boy!" I screeched, waving my arms around in the smoke.

"We're going to have a son," Mitch came up from behind and kissed the top of my head.

"Never mind that, I'm going to have a nephew!" Annie practically pushed Mitch out of the way and forced herself into my arms.

"I'm having a boy!" I held hands with Annie as we danced around the garden.

"It's a boy, guys," i couldn't help but smile as Mitchell was jumped on by all of his friends.

This was the happiest I'd been in a long time, I was going to have a son.


"How about this!" Annie squealed as she held up the tiniest suit I'd ever seen.

"We need to get everyday clothes, not clothes for a wedding," I put the outfit back onto the shelf.

"I'm buying this!" Annie picked up a lion sleepsuit and placed it into the trolley.

"Cute! But I'm getting these!" I held up a pair of black jeans and a pack of tiny polo shirts.

"And these!" Annie grabbed multiple pairs of baby trainers and socks and threw them into the trolley.

"A little tracksuit!" I awed over the sight of a grey Adidas tracksuit which I immediately picked up and added to our basket.

"This is the good thing about Mitchell's dad being made of money," Annie grinned, grabbing severals packs of baby grows.

"He's already brought all the furniture," I chuckled, She was right.

"Now for the most important thing," she smirked and held up a box of chocolates. "Mummy and auntie need feeding."

"Now that I can agree on," I knocked the box out of her hand so it fell into the trolley.

In no time our trolley was full up of baby clothes and essentials and food for ourselves, of course.

"Remind me not to get pregnant," Annie laughed after having seen the three digit number on our receipt.

"It could've been worst," I stated the obvious.

"Has Mitchell been with you anywhere to buy anything?" Annie asked.

"He's been too busy with school, most things I've just ordered online and his father's picked it up for us.

"He needs to get more involved," she looked at me seriously.

"School is important, he needs to do his thing. He's still a teenager after all," I defended him.

"Sit him down later and show him what we've brought," she insisted.

"I can promise you that's the first thing I'll do," I rested my head on her shoulder.

"I'm proud of you," she nudged me so my head shot back up.

"As am I of you," I nudged her back.


"How was school?" I asked Mitch as we held hands on the way back to mine from school.

"My English paper was the second highest in the class," he grinned.

"Well well well," I turned to look at his smug face.

"You've taught me well," he kissed me.

"What can I say," I shrugged, jokingly.

"How was your day?" He asked back.

"Annie forced me to go baby shopping with her so our boy has a whole wardrobe now," I replied.

"Sounds fun, so you've got everything now," he scanned through the receipt I handed him.

"Almost, there's just a few things I'd like to get with you. You've not helped buy anything so far," I instantly regretted speaking after I'd said it.

"Well I'm sorry that I've got school," he muttered.

"I know you have and I understand that," I grabbed his arm so he faced me once again.

"I've got a surprise to show you later," he changed the subject, I was relieved.

"What is it?" I stupidly asked.

"It's a surprise silly," he kissed my nose.

"I hate surprises," I rolled my eyes.


"I know you think I've not put much effort in for our baby," Mitch held my hands as he walked backwards, across his hallway in his house.

"I didn't mean it like that," I didn't realise my words came out in that way.

"You were right," he stopped by a door and moved to the side. "There's still some minor things I need to do but it's mostly done."

Mitchell opened the door to reveal a gigantic room with blue walls, a wooden effect floor, a fluffy white rug, a bookshelf, a large wardrobe and multiple sets of drawers. And my favourite part, animals were painted across one wall, the night sky painted across another.

"You did this," I lightly brushed my finger across the amazingly painted animals.

"I'm no artist but it kinda looks like a tiger, right?" His arm swung around my neck.

"I love it. I love it all!" I spun around looking at everything in the room, each and every item was placed perfectly.

"I want you to stay here," Mitchell revealed.

"What?" I was shocked.

"My father and I agreed that seeing as he's never home that it's only right you stay here with me, so we can look after our baby boy together," he explained.

"Really?" It was difficult to take in such big news.

"It's basically like being at home, it's just bigger. And I'll be at school on weekdays so you won't be stuck with me all the time," he held my hands waiting for my answer.

"I think it's an amazing idea, we can be together as a family," I squeezed his hands.

"Yeah?" He raised his eyebrows, excited.

"Yeah," I nodded, in agreement.


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