The Glaring Education Problem:

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I have never met anyone in my life who made their past education a problem like Sierra has. The amount of times she has started fights and made me feel bad because of it. I would never dream of getting into arguments because my girlfriend was not happy with me having a higher education. Sierra was homeschooled because her and her mother feared that Sierra was going to be hurt since Sierra got into too many fights in elementary school. Sierra never finished elementary school, never went into middle school, and never attended high school. Sierra only had homeschool education from her mother, who did not graduate high school. Sierra told me her mom dropped out when she was pregnant with Sierra's first sister Kim. Do you see the problem with Sierra homeschooled yet? Sierra never understood the concept that she can only be as smart as the person teaching her, but never smarter. The point of public education is to have multiple intelligences from different teachers to improve the likely learned skills from each teacher. That is the benefit. Sierra had the limited education from a high school drop out. The only way Sierra can be smarter is if she pursues subject matters not learned by her mother. When I was going through her notebooks from childhood as I started throwing her things out, I saw every note by her and Mickie stating how homeschool was so much better than public school. I tried to understand what Sierra learned in homeschool and it sounded like it was barely the basics. Sierra was playing mother all day; so when it came time to the GED, Sierra hit the books just to pass. She did pass her first time and was placed into a graduation class at some high school in 2013. If Sierra stayed in school, she would have graduated the year after me in 2015. Sierra had a head start on me to get a degree before me. The first year was spent in the nursing program at AACC. Here is the thing about Sierra: she does not like seeing blood, does not like needles, never seen a dead body (i.e been to a funeral), and is overly emotional when it comes to handling tragedy. Sierra believed she could manage working the rough hours at a hospital. Maybe that is why she dropped out of the program after her first semester.
When I got with Sierra, she had enrolled into the Empire Beauty School in Glen Burnie. Sierra was trying to get her cosmetology license. I might be wrong when saying this, but I think Sierra said it takes about eight months to complete everything in the program. The women in that program, as depicted by Sierra, were former inmates. Sierra's personality mixed with the shocking reality of her getting straight A's in the classes made her classmates resent her. She would go home crying as she was threatened and harassed by the women. Two weeks before graduation, Sierra listens to her bullies and dropped out of the program. To this day, Sierra blames her mom for dropping out of the program. No, it is still Sierra's fault. She let those women get to her. Sierra use to tell everyone that she did not want to go back anymore. Even if Bonnie was the person to go behind Sierra's back to pull her from the program, it was not like you did not give your mother a reason to do so. All Sierra had to do is suck it up for two more weeks just to never see those women again and have a promising career. Those women all dropped out soon after Sierra because they failed. It is also shameful to go behind your mother's back and blame her for your problems with school. Bonnie had to take out a student loan just for you to not finish beauty school. It took Bonnie almost three years to finish paying it off.
Next career choice was Sierra going into child care. She said that Bonnie and I made it sound so easy. Sierra grew to hate child care very quickly. Unfortunately, Sierra had run out of her options for careers and settled with working in daycares. As I was enrolling in Salisbury University, Sierra felt the need to stop taking any child care courses and work towards nursing again. Sierra wanted to pursue a career as an ultrasound technician as she found it to be a much cleaner and easier job. The only issue Sierra did not account for was how she had to pass the nursing program first. So that was not going to happen. It did not stop Sierra from applying for the hospital with no experience to offer. Why was she even surprised that they turned her away so fast? At one brief point, Sierra wanted to be a dermatologist because she liked popping pimples. Sierra never tried anything in that direction. Since Sierra could not afford to pay for the nursing classes, I encouraged her to apply for a scholarship that could pay for everything. Sierra never thought she would actually get it. I even told her she was the first one and you had a promising chance. After Sierra broke up with me, Sierra was given the scholarship for the nursing program. Something positive came through for Sierra if she actually stayed living in Wicomico County. Well, too bad she never knew she even got it.
When Sierra moved in with Brandon, she returned back to AACC for the nursing program there...only to drop out of it as quickly as she signed up. I do not believe she took any courses there this time. Shortly after trying to apply for nursing, Sierra applies for a new scholarship for an education degree at Baltimore City Community College. She got this scholarship too, but never knew. It was not like she could use that scholarship because she did not live in Baltimore. Sierra is technically homeless. This is one of those things that confused me because Sierra was filling out forms and such, but sending mail to my apartment that she could not return to. For someone that claimed to never want to see me again. Sierra tried to maintain two different ways to get in contact with me. Do not work where I work and do not keep sending me your mail. It is weird. So I do not know what Sierra's direction is in life anymore. She is just going in circles trying to scramble for anything now. I love how she chews me out for making her wait to get a career going when Sierra had a head start on me for college. Sierra was even two weeks from graduation to get her cosmetology license. I know Sierra likes to believe Mickie was the one wasting their purpose in a career, but it really is Sierra. You could of had some much done in your life early, but squandered it. She had to make me feel bad for he being such a disappointment. I know Sierra wants to return to cosmetology school again. She needed to get married to apply for a new loan.

Even if Sierra manages to get the loan, I am not sure she could pass hair school for a second time. The fundamental aspect of possessing any skill is practice. Maintaining any skill needs time to practice just keep it a skill. Sierra never did anything of the sorts. One of my issues with Sierra is how she gives up too easily on everything. She gets up set at not being a good bowler, then show up more and test yourself. She is mad that she stinks at video games, play more. Sierra lost her flexibility, most of her dance rhythm, and began losing her skills with hair. Those were all things she was good at, but never worked to maintain it. When Sierra would: cut my hair, dye her hair, and working with her hair was getting sloppier. She was taking longer, missing spots, and struggling with areas she use to excel in. The last time Sierra dyed her hair, she completely botched it. It was not like it was a new color or brand. Sierra was dying her hair once a month until we moved. Just pathetic how she keeps wasting talent that I know she has. Sierra needs to stop quitting when the going gets tough and when she is so close to finishing.

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