AWW III: Move Out

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During August, my summer work has been coming to an end and we started packing up our belongings to move out of my parents. Before the day we moved, I bought tickets to see Coldplay in concert. Me and Sierra had the bright idea to buy white t-shirts and color dye them with acrylic paint and water guns. It became a hot mess, but those were the shirts we wore to the concert. At one point, we started dumping the paint containers on each other and the funny thing was that the paint became cold. We were acting like such dicks as we tried to freeze each other in our clothing. Day of the concert, we went out to eat in Applebee's before everything started. We learned our lesson from the Twenty-one Pilots on eating food at the venue. It was an amazing concert and Sierra really enjoyed it. She was not a real big fan of the group, but loved how great they performed. There was this drunk older woman that was partying too hard on the railing. Sierra walked over and started dancing with her. She was up on Sierra and her husband was trying to keep her from falling over the rails. One point she was practically head over heels on the guard glass. Luckily she had a row in front of her to cushion any fall before the second story drop off from the nose bleeders. The cover to this work is actually a photo I took of us at the concert.
Once the end of the month came we filled both our cars full of supplies and clothing. I still do not know how we did it, but we fit everything in. I had my classes picked out from my welcoming session in Salisbury during July. I was upset about my parents not able to go, but I at least had Sierra go with me for my classes and such. My parents were traveling to Alaska to visit my mom's newly discovered biological family. They could not reschedule something they were planning longer than when I was first accepted. That seemed to push me into Sierra's arms a little more knowing my parents did not really get involved in knowing what was going on with me. Anyways, we spend two hours driving into Salisbury to find the apartment complex. We got there and met with our landlord Shelly to walk through where we would be staying. She quickly showed us around the studio apartment, since it is not a big place, and gave us a moment to talk it over. Now I talked with Sierra prior about any expectations of what a studio looks like. It is a living area with a kitchen and a bathroom plus attic if available. I asked Sierra if she wanted to talk things over before we signed everything and she immediately answers back, "well I like it, so we'll take it".
We began to sign the paperwork and were given the keys to our place and mailbox. When Sierra signed the paperwork, we had her agree to paying the utilities as well as part of the rent. Sierra paid about $325 on average (depending on electric use and for utilities) and my mom and I paid $400 and for my classes. Sierra agreed to this, but did not want to talk about it much when my mom discussed what we would do. That was before we got internet. Shelly talked with us get to know us and give us an idea of our responsibilities as tenets. Shelly was talking about people dodging any form of contact with her. We had a laugh about it and Sierra chimes in that, "those kinds of people are rude and awful crooks. Trust me, we won't be like those kinds of people".
Please remember this paragraph because it will comeback into play in the proceeding events in Salisbury. There is another incident here when we signed our lease, but I rather talk about it later at the end of all this. I do not believe Sierra ever understood what she did and said upset me greatly.
Before we actually moved out to Salisbury, the story behind Sierra getting a new phone. Sierra came home from work in a bad mood. The only ways I could pick up on that was how loud and aggressive her music was playing and how Sierra stormed in. I was sitting up in my room watching tv when Sierra barged into my room. I asked how she was feeling only to be met with furious pacing and anger. Sierra whips out her phone from her back pocket and threw it at my door. She was not satisfied with throwing her phone at my door and picked it up. Sierra then threw down her phone, causing it to bounce back up, and for Sierra to kick it across the room just missing my room and smacking into my window. That was when Sierra responded to my question with, "how do you think it went"? I examined the phone and saw Sierra had smashed the entire screen while bending the frame of the phone. Her IPhone 8S was gone. Sierra was upset with me not stopping her from breaking her phone. Sierra had to get a new phone and went to the Verizon store as I tagged along. The guy that helped us that day must have been very uncomfortable when she told him how the phone broke. Sierra played it off that I broke her phone by throwing it at the door. I interjected and explained that I was not the one to perform a drop in on her phone and sending it flying into my bedroom window. Sierra laughed it off as we ended up making the employee uncomfortable. So Sierra started spending more money on a new phone because she could not control her temper. I could not believe Sierra actually blamed me for that incident. How can you be that delusional if I was almost struck by the said projectile? She could not have been joking because you do not tell a complete stranger something abusive about your boyfriend. He would not know that you were lying nor joking. He was very uncomfortable and I was embarrassed.

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