Liberation Part III: February Gift

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Our third anniversary was approaching and I was out of ideas for Sierra's gift. I was at this point where I want Sierra to change her ways. I was tired of fighting with Sierra and I just wanted to be happy again in my relationship. Talking with Sierra about our issues was hard to bring up and rarely did anything for improvement. My last ditch effort came about when I reflected over the things Sierra has bugged me for over and over again in our relationship: one being a promise ring. She had told me prior that it needs to be a size 9, silver color, and pretty cheap. I found I nice little ring that was silver and contained our birthstone on it. It was not exactly aquamarine, but it was a pretty blue. March birthstone colors are very difficult to find that are accurate to aquamarine and not a lighter sapphire. The ring was at a fair price and I decided to order it and arrive two days before our anniversary. What I did not know was that Sierra had been creeping on my translations from my debit card and saw I bought the ring off Amazon. My whole surprise for my grand jester was thrown out the door. When the ring finally arrived, I was on campus attending a meeting for my baseball team. Sierra started calling me up on my way to the car when she was blowing up my phone. I called her back and was bombarded with 20 questions about the package. Sierra had already opened the package and saw the little jewelry box inside. I figured she had looked inside and it excited her to the point of blowing up my phone. I responded to Sierra that I did not care if she saw what I bought. I was still pissed about the situation because this was another instance of Sierra going through my mail. She would go through all my mail, tell me what I received, and threw it away before I could get a chance to read it. Sierra has miss read many papers and pages since I have met her, I did not trust half the things she told me. Some of my mail she threw away was very important to keep. I was not allowed to read most of her mail, because she was embarrassed about her finances. Damn double standard again. Anyways I took my time going home and decided to play along Sierra. I acted like it was not a ring and she did not open it. I eventually gave her the ring as we made up quickly. She finally looked happy for once in our home. The next she admitted to me about know that I ordered the ring and all. Looking back at this moment, why did I ever think a dinky, little ring would make our problems go away? My logic at that time was more of pleasing Sierra with something she wanted. Maybe that was missing from Sierra making her unpleasant to be around, but our problems progressed.
One of the last mysteries Sierra was involved in started over a conversation taking place on Instagram. I will present the information exactly how she told me. Sierra received a message from a woman asking Sierra if she wanted to be placed in a mistress contract. Before Sierra could respond, the woman sent her the contract outlines. If you are starting to suspect that this may not have been the truth, then you are on the right track. The contract outlined Sierra strictly being physical with the woman. This only happened when the husband was not home or if she was out with Sierra. Sierra would have to quit her job and live her life in their guest bedroom. Sierra could not have a relationship with anyone else. Sierra is not allowed to sleep with the husband unless she was watching. Sierra could not perform any new sex acts with the husband that was used between Sierra and the wife. They were crazy outlines, but this was where Sierra told me about everything. Sierra then began talking to the husband about the contract. The husband did not like the contract, but agreed to it in hopes of saving his own marriage. Now I do not remember their names, but I believe Sierra never told me their names so I could not contact them. I knew they lived in Cecil County and worked as firefighters in the county. They had been married for about two years and have already faced major problems. His wife was going out and cheating on him. She was spending all their money every week by going out with her friends and began facing financial ruins. He was never allowed to go out, but he was in love with his wife. I had to cut off Sierra in what she was telling me because I had a pressing question to ask that was putting me off: "Did you agree to become their mistress? It does not make sense that she would send you the outlines if you told her no".
"Well I did. She just went through with it. It was just so weird".
"So if you did tell her no, then why are you still talking with the couple"?
"I'm only talking with the husband. His wife is too crazy".
"So you are telling me that you agreed to the contract because your still talking with them instead of ignoring them. At first, you didn't say a word on any decision. Now your saying that you told her no at the beginning"!
"Well it was implied".
"Not when it could be implied that you said yes based off of what you're telling me, but that doesn't excuse why you talking with the husband".
"I'm nosy and wanted to see what was going on. Then I started feeling sorry for him".
That sentence rung a bell in my ears. The last time I ever heard Sierra say "I feel sorry for him", she started dating Danny. I was more or less mortified at the time. I felt like I was losing her to a mistress position. I felt, in some way, the same as the husband Sierra was talking with. We were both with women that spent a great amount of money, did not want us to go out with anyone other than them, and were suspected of cheating. Sierra did not like me telling her that I felt like the husband in that situation. Maybe that explained why Sierra did not notice how upset I was, or it could have been just that she still does not understand feelings. Nothing weird about me sitting cross armed and reserved from any conversation raised any red flags, but me ever sitting content was her indicator for me being upset for some reason. How this event ended took place less than a week later. I noticed Sierra was not talking about that couple's drama anymore and I decided to ask about it. Sierra said one day she was talking with the husband about his wife and stuff when he flipped out and blocked her. She did not understand what happened, but I have a good idea what she was saying. To fill in the holes, I believe Sierra had been encouraging the husband to get a divorce. I know Sierra asked him to do it once, but I fell this time was more of leave your wife and let me move in your house so Sierra can start dating him. That might explain why he freaked on her. The man is still in love with his wife, but he wants her to change...and I felt the same way.

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