Your Last Given Chance:

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A few days later we got in touch with each other. The kind-hearted nature in me came out as I apologized for calling the police, but I tried to make her understand that she put me in that situation from her actions. Sierra blew it off as she denied any blame on her part. I asked Sierra why she had gone through all this trouble to leave me and that she did not have to come out with me. Sierra replied back that she still loved me even after I called the police on her. I told her if we had so many problems, why did we not go to counseling. Sierra was shocked to hear me suggest couples therapy. Sierra was so thrilled that I wanted to make things work. Hold up, I only asked why we did not go, not let us go fix our relationship. Sierra just went from there all on her own. I was scared of how things were going, so I did not want to stop her and start another violent outburst. Here was another instance where Sierra again desired to leave Brandon for me. I just do not get why she wanted to be with me again, especially if she was already with me to begin with. That was how we left things heading into the last week of the regular season of bowling. The last conversation we had, Sierra said she wanted to meet up with me so I could get her side of the rent. That was when I realized Sierra did not understand a single word from Shelly. I thought on my current situation: Sierra could give me free money because nothing was registering in her head that she was banned from the property. We agreed to meet up after bowling. Sierra did not want to show up at the bowling alley for fear that Ms.Bonnie would talk to her about the debt.
My last week of bowling was a very important match to me and my team. We were facing Zach Richards' team to see who would win third in our league. We came into the match wanting to win at least half our games to send us into a tie-breaker or win three to win it all. If we lost at least three, we would get knocked down to fourth. We were the only two teams to have full attendance of all five players. We took the longest time to finish our three games out of everyone in our league that day, but my team managed to go 2-2 for the match because we blew the last game by a large margin. If we kept the third game close, we would have won the three to lock up third place. Before we started the tie-breaker, I was messaging Sierra that the game was taking a little longer than expected and I would be late on meeting her. Sierra decided to pull up out front and texted me to meet her out front. I walked out briefly to grab the money only to meet Sierra in her car with two strange children. The girl was in middle school and the boy in the back was definitely in elementary school still. I asked how she was doing, but my next question was focused on who the strange children were in her car. At first she refused to say how she knows flag on that. I asked one more time after telling her how creepy that sounded to which she responded saying that they were "Brandon's older brother's kids". To clarify I said they were Brandon's niece and nephew. Sierra agreed and I asked a follow up question on why she was watching them. Sierra's explanation was Brandon's brother was putting his truck in the shop, Brandon was doing stuff, and their grandparents (Brandon's parents) were out of town. I am going to skip over the banter of we questioning why she was watching someone else's kids that she was not getting paid to watch and hardly knew them. At the end of it all, I was about to dial up social services or the police. She was coming off like she went nuts and kidnapped some kids. You are a teacher driving some kids around that you barely know and when questioned, you keep changing the facts and story of who they are and how you know them. Of all the times to start telling the truth, that would have been a good time to just to prevent being blue chipped as a pedophile. Sierra then asked to take Buttercup away for a day or two because she has seen the dog in ages. The last time Sierra saw Buttercup was technically the night I called the police. Sierra completely avoided the dog. If you saw how much of an effort Sierra made to contort her body and throw herself up against the wall to avoid Buttercup would anger you and break your heart. Again, I believed she could be a good person Shen she tried and agreed to let Sierra take her for a day or two. I asked Sierra to wait until I finished the roll off, but Sierra was in a rush to do "stuff" and gave me five minutes before she drove to my parents to take her. Again, this does not sound good for Sierra to say with a car full of strange children with the objective to do undisclosed activities, but was willing to break in to my house and take Buttercup. I digress and return to bowl my frame to end the tie-breaker. My team ended up rallying for third place as we finished the one-frame roll-off something like 67-48. I left the bowling alley and began driving to my parents house when Sierra started blowing up my phone with messages demanding me to show up in the next few minutes or Sierra was walking in to grab "her dog". I politely informed her that unless she wanted to be arrested for the second time in her life along with explaining why the two kids are at the police station, then she needs to be patient. Eventually I pulled up to my parents house to see Sierra waiting for me. I walked into the house to leash up Buttercup and brought her out to meet Sierra at the steps. Buttercup was happy to see Sierra and quickly greeted her. I handed over the leash as I said my goodbye and started walking back into the house. As I turned around when I opened the front door, I saw Buttercup take off away from Sierra and run towards me. Buttercup did not want to go off with Sierra. Sierra had to drag Buttercup down a step just to get her walking towards the car. That moment was caught on my parent's surveillance camera. That was heart-breaking for me to see. I figured that I was never going to see Buttercup again. I could still hunt her down because Sierra told me her address when I drank her under the table that one night, but Sierra could have taken off to another place if she wanted to. I felt bad for allowing Buttercup to go, but somewhere deep in my heart still believed that Sierra would be a good mother to Buttercup. Almost two hours later, I found myself wrong about Sierra...again!
It was almost two hours later when I received a message from Sierra asking me if I was home. A few minutes later, Sierra pulls back up the drive way with the two kids and Buttercup. I go to meet Sierra at the front door to see her pull Buttercup from her car. I asked why Sierra was bringing Buttercup back so much earlier than she said she would. The response I received was, "She couldn't handle it". I was confused by what "it" was. As Sierra handed over Buttercup I continued asking what "it" was and what occurred. Sierra refused to answer me as she repeated her statement: "She couldn't handle it". I started to inspect Buttercup and noticed how much she was shaking. I could not touch Buttercup without her freaking out and avoiding contact. Buttercup was cowering behind me by the front door. Buttercup was acting completely different and reserved. I guess the parental side of me came out because my mind went to believing the worse possible things happened to Buttercup. I start walking after Sierra screaming: "What the hell did you do to her"?! Sierra stopped answering and began walking back to her car. I am still screaming questions at Sierra as I followed to her car. I stopped out in front of Sierra car screaming and yelling at her as the kids looked back at me. Sierra sped off as quickly as possible . She could not look me in the eyes as Sierra fled. Buttercup spent the the next day hiding behind my back when I sat down on the couch and avoided the other dogs in my parents house. Buttercup refused to leave my hip. I never figured out what happened, but the clues I found from future conversations with Sierra that she might not have played well with Brandon's dogs. As for the children in Sierra's car, the last time I ever spoke with Sierra was another instance where Sierra changed her story on how she knew them. It came about when I called out Sierra for being a weirdo pedophile who snatched up someone's kids. Fired off by clarifying once more that the two kids in her car were Brandon's younger siblings. I explained how she keeps changing the story behind these children and how our conversation that day was based off the established fact that the children were his niece and nephew. Why lie about this? You are a teacher, of course you are being watched by the public on how you conduct yourself around children. When you act like you snatched some children, then your livelihood will come in to question because you would be unfit to car for children. This whole thing felt so wrong and messed up to me. Does Sierra really want to come off as some creep minus a van?. Understand the other perspectives here. I made sure when Sierra returned Buttercup how she did, that Sierra would never come in contact with Buttercup again.

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