Why Keep Trying:

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I never counted the money Sierra gave me right away because I had other things to worry about such as my last game of bowling and my dog. When I counted it all, Sierra was short on the $375 she owed for her side of the rent (I believe that was the amount with utilities included in it for this month. Utilities cost about $50). She gave me like $320. I called her the next day when I was suppose to be heading back to Salisbury. Sierra gave me an earful when I called her up about it. She was spouting off that she paid exactly what she owes. Sierra believed that since she was not living there, that she could pay what she wanted to. Here is my smart ass comment: she just told me that she owes me. Remember she said that she owes nobody anything, but clearly broke what she said that day. Anyway, Sierra made more obscene threats to me that much resembled the ones the night I called the police on her for. I did not really fight back any. I was withered and beaten at this point to argue much with Sierra. I did remind her that she promised to put in an extra $50 just so I could buy more food and groom Buttercup. Sierra was not having it and told me to take it or leave it. I politely told Sierra she could make it up next month, but Sierra believed she was right in what she did. You know Sierra was the one who signed the lease promising to take up most of the rent and utilities. Sierra agreed to take on the $467 and my mom would take the $350 of the rest since we were paying out thousands of dollars to my classes. Sierra did not feel like it was fair. It still did not occur to Sierra that I was able to take her to court, but the reality is that she really did not owe me any money. Shelly and I talked about the situation I was in. I figured Sierra was going to skip out on paying up and I did not want Sierra to return one night to attack me. Sierra was planning on returning from what she was telling me over the phone. I decided to remove her from the lease in our next fight.
At this point in the year of (about late April), Sierra normally contacted me once a week on average. She sometimes messaged me more than once a week. The craziness of this is how Sierra's behavior would change weekly. One week, she would be angry with me. Next week, Sierra is professing her love to me and how we need to get back together. I went along with days she was saying how she wanted to hook back up with me. Those were the reasonable conversations we had. These talks were when I asked Sierra why she moved to Salisbury with me and why she did not want to make long distance work if she did not move with me. She told me that she loved me too much, but the other question's response was terrible. Sierra said she was going to cheat on me as soon as I left. Why be honest about something like that, especially when you are trying to get back together with that person? When Sierra was being all flirty with me, I ran with it and started talking sexual. I was creating this fantasy in her head about us fooling around in the back seat of her car before we started getting busy. Sierra was all on board with it. I am guessing since we have never got it on in a car, she was interested in it. Funny how we made love on/in many places you could think of, but a car has never been one. She was planning on hooking up in her car the next time we met up. I remember catching Sierra in a bad mood one conversation when I asked her how she would feel if I closed out the lease on the apartment. Sierra laughed and said I would not do such a thing. Sierra actually challenged me to cancel our lease as if she was calling a bluff. I just asked for her thoughts on it. From my side of things: we broke up, she stopped living there, things are not exactly civil, and I have no certainty on Sierra paying her side of the rent. I explained that to Sierra, but she dismissed it all. I kept bringing up the idea of me cancelling the lease, but Sierra changed the subject every time. She never shared a single thing when I told her that I was going to decide on closing the lease. Sierra preferred to keep asking me when I was leaving the apartment.
Sierra started talking about wanting to see Buttercup again. I refused to let Sierra see Buttercup again. Sierra started demanding to see her and threatened me with a receipt of the purchase for Buttercup. I felt bad for doing this and agreed to let Sierra walk Buttercup for a day as long as I was there supervising. Sierra agreed to us meeting up at Lake Waterford Park to walk Buttercup for one day just to show the dog that her parents can be happy around one another. This was where Sierra and I were suppose to hook up. I was being sexually romantic with her by feeding her more sexual fantasies of how we would get started in the park. Sierra ate it all up until a few days later. I did ask Sierra if she wanted some candy when I drove up north to Hershey Park with my mom. I think I put Sierra in tears because she was so shocked how generous I was after all she had done to me. Sierra asked for a pack of big Reece Cups and I bought her one. I think Sierra was mad at me for not inviting her because she kept asking who was coming along as the third person and I refused to tell her. What Sierra did not know was that my mom only bought two tickets; Sierra assumed there was three tickets. The day before I went to Hershey Park, Sierra had a change of heart. Sierra changed the conditions of us meeting to her bringing Brandon along. I threatened if she were to bring him that I would drive off with Buttercup. Sierra went into the receipt defense as she ranted off that it was her dog. I claimed if he comes, I will not show. Having Sierra and Brandon around me again was going to be a disaster waiting to happen. I wanted to make sure nothing happened to me or Buttercup. I do not know why I showed up to the park with Sierra's candy and Buttercup, I guess I was feeling bad for withholding Buttercup from her. I did a quick sweep of the parking lot before I took off for home. I gave Sierra a strict time to show up and she never did. I figured she was not going to make an appearance based how she lied to me the last time we talked. Before Sierra said she was bringing Brandon, Sierra stated she could not stay long to walk Buttercup because she had a baby shower for her friend to attend. I knew right away it was a lie because Sierra has no friends. All in all I went home and ate the candy I was going to give Sierra. Then I messaged Danny telling him how he was right about Sierra. Since the very end of his relationship, he warned me about the craziness with Sierra and I did not listen. This was where Danny was re-involved into our story once again. I told him what was going on and Danny first shared with me was how he slept with Sierra in our first July together. I did not know if I should believe him or not, but I thought on how this would play out. He is not gaining anything really from this and it is not like I could not believe it. Sierra was the one that gave me doubt to not trust her time and time again. What I eventually did was message Sierra yelling at her for how she cheated on me with Danny. I never received a response back from it that night, but I brought it up one more time later. Right now, my next step was to cancel the lease on the apartment now the semester was coming to a close.

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