BOR I (End of the Trio):

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    Now I'm going to discuss how weird their relationship was besides all the fighting. They made an agreement to keep their relationship to a minimum around me for the sake of our friendships. This translated to them still holding hands, laying around on one another, and some innocent teasing on their part. They never kissed in front of me. I did not believe they ever did, but they both vouched for it. I was not immune to their sexual flirting and conquest from either of them. It was just overall an odd relationship. What distant me from Danny and Sierra was their proposal. I wish I was going to talk about a marriage proposal, but that is far from what happened. From what I learned from then to present day, they both had told me about their issues in bed. So they came up with a plan to fix that while trying to mend our trio friendship. One Saturday when our team was bowling in the far end of the alley against the league blind team. For those who do not know what a blind team is, it is a team made up of the league average per person that was composed into an average team. So we had no one against us and our teammates did not show up that day. It was just us three. Sierra went up to bowl her frame when Danny pulled me back to ask me if I was a virgin. Shamefully I replied back I still was. Danny proceeded to ask: "Joey, me and Sierra talked it over and we want to know if you want to join us in a three way"?
I was in shock that he asked me that I sat back down with my jaw still dropped. After a few minutes went by for me to process, I firmly replied no. I asked him if he understood the term "three way". I have no interest in being intimate with another man. After this day, I learned the truth for why a three way and I felt even more uncomfortable. Digressing on, Sierra came back to sit with us. I asked her if she was in on the offer and she said yes. Now I do not remember what I said next to them, but they ended up proposing that me and Danny would double team Sierra. I remember telling them I would think on it, but I kept trying to say just about anything I could, without saying yes, to stop them asking me.
    The next week I was hoping to sit down with them at bowling and just act like nothing happened. I was wrong. Danny started talking about times to go through with it. He was going on how I was going to ride with them in Danny's car back to his basement since his parents were gone for the day. I had to stop him mid-sentence and explain to him that I do not agree with this. I'm flattered by the offer, but I do not think my first time should be so...kinky and with the presence of a man. They left me alone on about having sex with them. Turned out that their proposal actually caused a fight between Danny and Sierra. The argument was not over asking me, it was how they were going to do it. Danny wants me to take Sierra from behind and Danny would take her from the front. Sierra wanted it the other way around. So that day they were not talking to each other. That was the most awkward moment in my life so far and it marked our end. I could not tell what was worse: them fighting and bringing me in or them trying to get me involved sexually with them. Why did they bring me into their affairs?

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